Une liste de nom des familles. Les noms gras sont les noms courants selon la classification phylogénétique APG II (2003). Les noms italiques ne sont pas assignés en APG II. * Abolbodaceae Nakai (1943) = Xyridaceae * Abrophyllaceae Nakai (1943) = Rousseaceae * Acanthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Acanthochlamydaceae P.C.Kao (1989) = Velloziaceae * Aceraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Sapindaceae * Achariaceae Harms (1897), nom. cons. * Achatocarpaceae Heimerl (1934), nom. cons. * Achradaceae Vest (1818) = Sapotaceae * Acoraceae Martynov (1820) * Actinidiaceae Gilg & Werderm. (1825), nom. cons. * Adoxaceae E.Mey. (1839), nom. cons. * Aegialitidaceae Lincz. (1968) = Plumbaginaceae * Aegicerataceae Blume (1833) = Myrsinaceae * Aextoxicaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons. * Ag

Property Value
  • Une liste de nom des familles. Les noms gras sont les noms courants selon la classification phylogénétique APG II (2003). Les noms italiques ne sont pas assignés en APG II. * Abolbodaceae Nakai (1943) = Xyridaceae * Abrophyllaceae Nakai (1943) = Rousseaceae * Acanthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Acanthochlamydaceae P.C.Kao (1989) = Velloziaceae * Aceraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Sapindaceae * Achariaceae Harms (1897), nom. cons. * Achatocarpaceae Heimerl (1934), nom. cons. * Achradaceae Vest (1818) = Sapotaceae * Acoraceae Martynov (1820) * Actinidiaceae Gilg & Werderm. (1825), nom. cons. * Adoxaceae E.Mey. (1839), nom. cons. * Aegialitidaceae Lincz. (1968) = Plumbaginaceae * Aegicerataceae Blume (1833) = Myrsinaceae * Aextoxicaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons. * Agapanthaceae F.Voigt (1850), optional synonym of Alliaceae * Agavaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons., optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Agdestidaceae Nakai (1942) = Phytolaccaceae * Aizoaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Akaniaceae Stapf (1912), nom. cons. * Alangiaceae DC. (1827), nom. cons. = Cornaceae * Aldrovandaceae Nakai (1949) = Droseraceae * Alismataceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons. * Alliaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797), nom. cons. * Aloaceae Batsch (1802) = Asphodelaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Alseuosmiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Alsinaceae Bartl. (1825), nom. cons. = Caryophyllaceae * Alstroemeriaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Altingiaceae Horan. (1843), nom. cons. * Alzateaceae S.A. Graham (1985) * Amaranthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Amaryllidaceae J. St.-Hil. (1805), nom. cons., optional synonym of Alliaceae * Amborellaceae Pichon (1948), nom. cons. * Ambrosiaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. = Asteraceae * Amygdalaceae Marquis (1820), nom. cons. = Rosaceae * Amyridaceae Kunth (1824) = Rutaceae * Anacardiaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Anarthriaceae D.F. Cutler & Airy Shaw (1965) * Ancistrocladaceae Planch. ex Walp. (1851), nom. cons. * Androstachyaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Picrodendraceae * Anemarrhenaceae Conran, M.W. Chase & Rudall (1997) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Anisophylleaceae Ridl. (1922) * Annonaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Anomochloaceae Nakai (1943) = Poaceae * Anopteraceae Doweld (2001) = Escalloniaceae * Anthericaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Antirrhinaceae Pers. (1807) = Plantaginaceae * Antoniaceae Hutch. (1959) = Loganiaceae * Aphanopetalaceae Doweld (2001) * Aphloiaceae Takht. (1985) * Aphyllanthaceae Burnett (1835), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Apiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Apocynaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Apodanthaceae (R.Br.) Tiegh. ex Takht. (1987) = Rafflesiaceae * Aponogetonaceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Apostasiaceae Lindl. (1833), nom. cons. = Orchidaceae * Aptandraceae Miers (1853) = Olacaceae * Aquifoliaceae DC. ex A. Rich. (1828), nom. cons. * Aquilariaceae R.Br. ex DC. (1825) = Thymelaeaceae * Araceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Aragoaceae D.Don (1835) = Plantaginaceae * Araliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Aralidiaceae Philipson & B.C. Stone (1980) * Arecaceae Schultz - Sch. (1832), nom. cons. * Argophyllaceae (Engl.) Takht. 1987 * Aristoteliaceae Dumort. (1829) = Elaeocarpaceae * Aristolochiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Asclepiadaceae Borkh. (1797), nom. cons. = Apocynaceae * Asparagaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Asphodelaceae Juss. (1789), optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Aspidistraceae Endl. (1841) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Asteliaceae Dumort. (1829) * Asteraceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Asteranthaceae R.Knuth (1939), nom. cons. = Lecythidaceae * Asteropeiaceae (Szyszyl.) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) * Atherospermataceae R. Br. (1814) * Aucubaceae J. Agardh (1858), optional synonym of Garryaceae * Austrobaileyaceae (Croizat) Croizat 1943, nom. cons. * Averrhoaceae Hutch. (1959) = Oxalidaceae * Avetraceae Takht. (1997) = Dioscoreaceae * Avicenniaceae Endl. (1841) = Acanthaceae * Balanitaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. = Zygophyllaceae * Balanitaceae Endl. (1841) = Zygophyllaceae * Balanopaceae Benth. & Hook.f. (1880), nom. cons. * Balanophoraceae Rich. (1822), nom. cons., unplaced * Balsaminaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Bambusaceae Burnett (1835) = Poaceae * Barbeuiaceae Nakai (1942) * Barbeyaceae Rendle (1916), nom. cons. * Barclayaceae H.L.Li (1955) = Nymphaeaceae * Barringtoniaceae F. Rudolphi (1830), nom. cons. = Lecythidaceae * Basellaceae Raf. (1837), nom. cons. * Bataceae Perleb (1838), nom. cons. * Baueraceae Lindl. (1830) = Cunoniaceae * Baxteriaceae Takht. (1996) = Dasypogonaceae * Begoniaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Behniaceae Conran, M.W.Chase & Rudall (1997) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Bembiciaceae R.C.Keating & Takht. (1996) = Salicaceae * Berberidaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Berberidopsidaceae Takht. (1985) * Berryaceae Doweld (2001) = Malvaceae * Bersamaceae Doweld = Melianthaceae * Berzeliaceae Nakai (1943) = Bruniaceae * Betulaceae Gray (1821), nom. cons. * Biebersteiniaceae Endl. (1841) * Bignoniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Bischofiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Phyllanthaceae * Bixaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons. * Blandfordiaceae R.Dahlgren & Clifford (1985) * Blepharocaryaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Anacardiaceae * Boerlagellaceae H.J.Lam (1925) = Sapotaceae * Bombacaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons. = Malvaceae * Bonnetiaceae (Bartl.) L. Beauv. ex Nakai (1948) * Boopidaceae Cass. (1816) = Calyceraceae * Boraginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Boryaceae (Baker) M.W. Chase, Rudall & Conran (1997) * Brassicaceae Burnett (1835), nom. cons. * Bretschneideraceae Engl. & Gilg (1924), nom. cons., optional synonym of Akaniaceae * Brexiaceae Loudon (1830) = Celastraceae * Bromeliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Brunelliaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. * Bruniaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Brunoniaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Goodeniaceae * Buddlejaceae K.Wilh. (1910), nom. cons. = Scrophulariaceae * Burchardiaceae Takht. (1996) = Colchicaceae * Burmanniaceae Blume (1827), nom. cons. * Burseraceae Kunth (1824), nom. cons. * Butomaceae Mirb. (1804), nom. cons. * Buxaceae Dumort. (1822), nom. cons. * Byblidaceae (Engl. & Gilg) Domin 1922, nom. cons. * Byttneriaceae R. Br. (1814), nom. cons. = Malvaceae * Cabombaceae Rich. ex A. Rich. (1822), nom. cons., optional synonym of Nymphaeaceae * Cactaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Caesalpiniaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. = Fabaceae * Calceolariaceae (D.Don) Olmstead (2001) * Calectasiaceae Endl. (1838) = Dasypogonaceae * Calligonaceae Chalk (1985) = Polygonaceae * Callitrichaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. = Plantaginaceae * Calochortaceae Dumort. (1829) = Liliaceae * Calycanthaceae Lindl. (1819), nom. cons. * Calyceraceae R.Br. ex Rich. (1820), nom. cons. * Campanulaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Campynemataceae Dumort. (1829) * Canacomyricaceae Baum.-Bod. ex Doweld (2001) = Myricaceae * Canellaceae Mart. (1832), nom. cons. * Cannabaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Cannaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Canotiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Celastraceae * Capparaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Brassicaceae * Caprifoliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cardiopteridaceae Blume (1847), nom. cons. * Caricaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Carlemanniaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Carpinaceae Vest (1818) = Betulaceae * Carpodetaceae Fenzl (1841) = Rousseaceae * Cartonemataceae Pichon (1946) = Commelinaceae * Caryocaraceae Voigt (1845), nom. cons. * Caryophyllaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cassythaceae Bartl. ex Lindl. (1833), nom. cons. = Lauraceae * Casuarinaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Cecropiaceae C.C.Berg (1978) = Urticaceae * Celastraceae R. Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Celtidaceae Link (1831), nom. cons. = Cannabaceae * Centrolepidaceae Endl. (1836), nom. cons. * Cephalotaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Ceratophyllaceae Gray (1821), nom. cons. * Cercidiphyllaceae Engl. (1907), nom. cons. * Chenopodiaceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons. = Amaranthaceae * Chionographidaceae Takht. (1966) = Melanthiaceae * Chloanthaceae Hutch. (1959) = Lamiaceae * Chloranthaceae R.Br. ex Sims (1820), nom. cons. * Chrysobalanaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Cichoriaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Asteraceae * Circaeasteraceae Hutch. (1926), nom. cons. * Cistaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cleomaceae Horan. (1834) = Brassicaceae * Clethraceae Klotzsch (1851), nom. cons. * Clusiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Cneoraceae Vest (1818), nom. cons. = Rutaceae * Cobae aceae D.Don (1824) = Polemoniaceae * Cochlospermaceae Planch. (1847), nom. cons., optional synonym of Bixaceae * Colchicaceae DC. (1804), nom. cons. * Columelliaceae D.Don (1828), nom. cons. * Combretaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Commelinaceae Mirb. (1804), nom. cons. * Compositae Giseke (1792), nom. alt. et cons. = Asteraceae * Connaraceae R. Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Conostylidaceae (Benth.) Takht. (1987) = Haemodoraceae * Convallariaceae Horan. (1834) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Convolvulaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cordiaceae R.Br. ex Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Coriariaceae DC. (1824), nom. cons. * Coridaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Myrsinaceae * Cornaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Corokiaceae Kapil ex Takht. (1997) = Argophyllaceae * Corsiaceae Becc. (1878), nom. cons. * Corylaceae Mirb. (1815), nom. cons. = Betulaceae * Corynocarpaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. * Costaceae Nakai (1941) * Crassulaceae J.St.- Hil. (1805), nom. cons. * Croomiaceae Nakai (193) = Stemonaceae * Crossosomataceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. * Cruciferae Juss. (1789), nom.a lt. et cons. = Brassicaceae * Crypteroniaceae A.DC. (1868), nom. cons. * Ctenolophonaceae (H.Winkl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951) * Cucurbitaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cunoniaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Curtisiaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1987) * Cuscutaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. = Convolvulaceae * Cyananthaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Campanulaceae * Cyanastraceae Engl. (1900), nom.c ons. = * Cyclanthaceae Poit. ex A. Rich. (1824), nom. cons. * Cyclocheilaceae Marais (1981) = Orobanchaceae * Cymodoceaceae N. Taylor (1909), nom. cons. * Cynomoriaceae Lindl. (1833), nom. cons., unplaced * Cyperaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cyphiaceae A. DC. (1839) = Lobeliaceae, optional synonym of Campanulaceae * Cyphocarpaceae (Miers) Reveal & Hoogl. (1996) = Lobeliaceae, optional synonym of Campanulaceae * Cypripediaceae Lindl. (1833) = Orchidaceae * Cyrillaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. * Cytinaceae A. Rich. (1824), unplaced * Dactylanthaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1987) = Balanophoraceae * Daphniphyllaceae Müll.-Arg. (1869), nom. cons. * Dasypogonaceae Dumort. (1829) * Datiscaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Davidiaceae H.L.Li (1955) = Cornaceae * Davidsoniaceae Bange (1952) = Cunoniaceae * Decaisneaceae (Takht. ex H.N. Qin) Loconte (1995) = Lardizabalaceae * Degeneriaceae I.W. Bailey & A.C. Sm. (1942), nom. cons. * Desfontainiaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons., optional synonym of Columelliaceae * Dialypetalanthaceae Rizzini & Occhioni (1948), nom. cons. = Rubiaceae * Dianellaceae Salisb. (1866) = Hemerocallidaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Diapensiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Dichapetalaceae Baill. (1886), nom. cons., optional synonym of Chrysobalanaceae * Dichondraceae Dumort. (1829) = Convolvulaceae * Diclidantheraceae J. Agardh (1858), nom. cons. = Polygalaceae * Didiereaceae Radlk. (1896), nom. cons. * Didymelaceae Leandri (1937), optional synonym of Buxaceae * Diegodendraceae Capuron (1964), optional synonym of Bixaceae * Diervillaceae (Raf.) Pyck (1998), optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Dilleniaceae Salisb. (1807), nom. cons. * Dionaeaceae Raf. (1837) = Droseraceae * Dioncophyllaceae Airy Shaw (1952), nom. cons. * Dioscoreaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Dipentodontaceae Merr. (1941), nom. cons., unplaced * Dipsacaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons., optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Dipterocarpaceae Blume (1825), nom. cons. * Dirachmaceae Hutch. (1959) * Donatiaceae B. Chandler (1911), nom. cons., optional synonym of Stylidiaceae * Doryanthaceae R. Dahlgren & Clifford (1985) * Dracaenaceae Salisb. (1866) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Droseraceae Salisb. (1808), nom. cons. * Drosophyllaceae Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnicka (1989) * Duabangaceae Takht. (1986) = Lythraceae * Duckeodendraceae Kuhlm. (1950) = Solanaceae * Dysphaniaceae (Pax) Pax (1927), nom. cons. = Amaranthaceae * Ebenaceae Gürke (1891), nom. cons. * Ecdeiocoleaceae D.F. Cutler & Airy Shaw (1965) * Ehretiaceae Mart. (1827), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Elaeagnaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Elaeocarpaceae Juss. ex DC. (1816), nom. cons. * Elatinaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Ellisiophyllaceae Honda (1930) = Plantaginaceae * Emblingiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Emottaceae Tiegh. (1899) = Icacinaceae * Empetraceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Engelhardtiaceae Reveal & Doweld (1999) = Juglandaceae * Epacridaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Epimediaceae Menge (1839) = Berberidaceae * Eremolepidaceae Tiegh. ex Nakai (1952) = Santalaceae * Eremosynaceae Dandy (1959) * Ericaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Eriocaulaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Eriospermaceae Endl. (1841) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Erycibaceae Endl. ex Meisn. (1840) = Convolvulaceae * Erythropalaceae Pilg. & K. Krause (1914), nom. cons. = Olacaceae * Erythroxylaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons. * Escalloniaceae R.Br. ex Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Eschscholziaceae Ser. (1847) = Papaveraceae * Eucommiaceae Engl. (1909), nom. cons. * Eucryphiaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. = Cunoniaceae * Euphorbiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Euphroniaceae Marc.-Berti (1989), optional synonym of Chrysobalanaceae * Eupomatiaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. * Eupteleaceae K. Wilh. (1910), nom. cons. * Euryalaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Nymphaeaceae * Eustrephaceae Chupov (1994) = Laxmanniaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Exbucklandiaceae Reveal & Doweld (1999) = Hamamelidaceae * Exocarpaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Santalaceae * Fabaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Fagaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Flacourtiaceae Rich. (1815-1816), nom. cons. = Salicaceae * Flagellariaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Flindersiaceae C.T. White ex Airy Shaw (1964) = Rutaceae * Foetidiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Lecythidaceae * Fouquieriaceae DC. (1828), nom. cons. * Francoaceae A. Juss. (1832), nom. cons., optional synonym of Melianthaceae * Frangulaceae DC. (1805) = Rhamnaceae * Frankeniaceae Desv. (1817), nom. cons. * Fumariaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons., optional synonym of Papaveraceae * Garryaceae Lindl. (1834), nom. cons. * Geissolomataceae Endl. (1841) * Geitonoplesiaceae R. Dahlgren ex Conran (1994) = Hemerocallidaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Gelsemiaceae (G. Don) Struwe & V.A. Albert (1995) * Geniostomaceae Struwe & V.A. Albert (1995) = Loganiaceae * Gentianaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Geosiridaceae Jonker (1939), nom. cons. = Iridaceae * Geraniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss. ex DC. (1816), nom. cons. * Gisekiaceae Nakai (1942) * Glaucidiaceae Tamura (1972) = Ranunculaceae * Globulariaceae DC. (1805), nom. cons. = Plantaginaceae * Goetzeaceae Miers ex Airy Shaw (1964) = Solanaceae * Gomortegaceae Reiche (1896), nom. cons. * Gonystylaceae Tiegh. (1896), nom. cons. = Thymelaeaceae * Goodeniaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Goupiaceae Miers (1862) * Gramineae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Poaceae * Greyiaceae Hutch. (1926), nom. cons. = Melianthaceae * Griseliniaceae J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. ex A. Cunn. (1839) * Gronoviaceae Endl. (1841) = Loasaceae * Grossulariaceae DC. (1805), nom. cons. * Grubbiaceae Endl. (1839), nom. cons. * Gunneraceae Meisn. (1842), nom. cons. * Gustaviaceae Burnett (1835) = Lecythidaceae * Guttiferae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Clusiaceae * Gyrocarpaceae Dumort. (1829) = Hernandiaceae * Gyrostemonaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. * Hachetteaceae Doweld (2001) = Balanophoraceae * Haemodoraceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Halesiaceae D.Don (1828) = Styracaceae * Halophilaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Hydrocharitaceae * Halophytaceae A. Soriano (1984) * Haloragaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Hamamelidaceae R. Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Hanguanaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Hectorellaceae Philipson & Skipw. (1961) = Portulacaceae * Heliamphoraceae Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnicka (1992) = Sarraceniaceae * Heliconiaceae Nakai (1941) * Heliotropiaceae Schrad. (1819), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Helleboraceae Vest (1818) = Ranunculaceae * Heloniadaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Melanthiaceae * Helosaceae (Schott & Endl.) Bromhead (1840) = Balanophoraceae * Helwingiaceae Decne. (1836) * Hemerocallidaceae R.Br. (1810), optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Hemimeridaceae Doweld (2001) = Plantaginaceae * Henriqueziaceae Bremek. (1957) = Rubiaceae * Hernandiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Herreriaceae Endl. (1841) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Hesperocallidaceae Traub (1972), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Heteropyxidaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons. * Himantandraceae Diels (1917), nom. cons. * Hippocastanaceae A. Rich. (1823), nom. cons. = Sapindaceae * Hippocrateaceae Juss. (1811), nom. cons. = Celastraceae * Hippuridaceae Vest (1818), nom. cons. = Plantaginaceae * Hopkinsiaceae B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson (2000) = Anarthriaceae * Hoplestigmataceae Gilg (1924), nom. cons., unplaced * Hortoniaceae (J.R. Perkins & Gilg) A.C. Sm. (1971) = Monimiaceae * Hostaceae B.Mathew (1988) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Huaceae A.Chev. (1947) * Huerteaceae Doweld (2001) = Tapisciaceae * Hugoniaceae Arn. (1834) = Linaceae * Humbertiaceae Pichon (1947), nom. cons. = Convolvulaceae * Humiriaceae A. Juss. (1829), nom. cons. * Hyacinthaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Hydatellaceae U. Hamann (1976) * Hydnoraceae C. Agardh (1821), nom. cons. * Hydrangeaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Hydrastidaceae Martynov (1820) = Ranunculaceae * Hydrocharitaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Hydrocotylaceae (Link) N.Hyl. (1945), nom. cons. = Araliaceae * Hydroleaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) * Hydropeltidaceae (DC.) Dumort. (1822) = Nymphaeaceae * Hydrophyllaceae R.Br. (1817), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Hydrostachyaceae (Tul.) Engl. (1894), nom. cons. * Hymenocardiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Phyllanthaceae * Hypecoaceae Willk. & Lange (1880) = Papaveraceae * Hypericaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Hypoxidaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Hypseocharitaceae Wedd. (1861), optional synonym of Geraniaceae * Icacinaceae (Benth.) M iers (1851), nom. cons. * Idiospermaceae S.T. Blake (1972) = Calycanthaceae * Illecebraceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. = Caryophyllaceae * Illiciaceae A.C. Sm. (1947), nom. cons., optional synonym of Schisandraceae * Iridaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Irvingiaceae (Engl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951), nom. cons. * Isophysidaceae (Hutch.) F.A. Barkley (1948) = Iridaceae * Iteaceae J. Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Ixerbaceae Griseb. (1854) * Ixioliriaceae Nakai (1943) * Ixonanthaceae Planch. ex Miq. (1858), nom. cons. * Japonoliriaceae Takht. (1996) = Petrosaviaceae * Johnsoniaceae Lotsy (1911) = Hemerocallidaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Joinvilleaceae Toml. & A.C. Sm. (1970) * Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb (1818), nom. cons. * Julianiaceae Hemsl. (1906), nom. cons. = Anacardiaceae * Juncaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Juncaginaceae Rich. (1808), nom. cons. * Justiciaceae Raf. (1838) = Acanthaceae * Kaliphoraceae Takht. (1996) = Montiniaceae * Kiggelariaceae Link (1831) = Achariaceae * Kingdoniaceae A.S. Foster ex Airy Shaw (1964), optional synonym of Circaeasteraceae * Kirengeshomaceae Nakai (1943) = Hydrangeaceae * Kirkiaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1967) * Koeberliniaceae Engl. (1895), nom. cons. * Krameriaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons., optional synonym of Zygophyllaceae * Labiatae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Lamiaceae * Lacandoniaceae E. Martínes & Ramos (1989) = Triuridaceae * Lacistemataceae Mart. (1826), nom. cons. * Lactoridaceae Engl. (1888), nom. cons. * Lamiaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Lanariaceae H. Huber ex R. Dahlgren & A.E. van Wyk (1988) * Langsdorffiaceae Tiegh. ex Pilger (1914) = Balanophoraceae * Lardizabalaceae R.Br. (1821), nom. cons. * Lauraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Laxmanniaceae Bubani (1901-1902), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Lecythidaceae A. Rich. (1825), nom. cons. * Ledocarpaceae Meyen (1834) * Leeaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Vitaceae * Leguminosae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Fabaceae * Leitneriaceae Benth. & Hook.f. (1880), nom. cons. = Simaroubaceae * Lemnaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. = Araceae * Lennoaceae Solms (1870), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Lentibulariaceae Rich. (1808), nom. cons. * Leoniaceae A.DC. (1844) = Violaceae * Leonticaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820) = Berberidaceae * Lepidobotryaceae J. Léonard (1950), nom. cons. * Lepuropetalaceae Nakai (1943), optional synonym of Parnassiaceae * Lilae aceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Juncaginaceae * Liliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Limnanthaceae R.Br. (1833), nom. cons. * Limnocharitaceae Takht. ex Cronquist (1981) * Limoniaceae Ser. (1851), nom. cons. = Plumbaginaceae * Linaceae DC. ex Perleb (1818), nom. cons. * Lindenbergiaceae Doweld (2001) = Orobanchaceae * Linnaeaceae (Raf.) Backlund (1998), optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Liriodendraceae F.A.Barkley (1975) = Magnoliaceae * Lissocarpaceae Gilg (1924), nom. cons. = Ebenaceae * Loasaceae Juss. (1804), nom. cons. * Lobeliaceae Juss. (1813), nom. cons., optional synonym of Campanulaceae * Loganiaceae R. Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Lomandraceae Lotsy (1911) = Laxmanniaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Lophiolaceae Nakai (1943) = Nartheciaceae * Lophiraceae Loud. (1830) = Ochnaceae * Lophophytaceae (Schott & Endl.) Bromhead (1840) = Balanophoraceae * Lophopyxidaceae (Engl.) H. Pfeiff. (1951) * Loranthaceae Juss. (1808), nom. cons. * Lowiaceae Ridl. (1924), nom. cons. * Luxemburgiaceae Soler. (1908) = Ochnaceae * Luzuriagaceae Lotsy (1911) * Lyginiaceae B.G.Briggs & L.A.S.Johnson (2000) = Anarthriaceae * Lythraceae J.St.-Hil. (1805), nom. cons. * Mackinlayaceae Doweld (2001) * Maesaceae (A.DC.) Anderb., B. Ståhl & Källersjö (2000) * Magnoliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Malaceae Small (1903), nom. cons. = Rosaceae * Malesherbiaceae D.Don (1827), nom. cons., optional synonym of Passifloraceae * Malpighiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Malvaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Marantaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Marcgraviaceae Juss. ex DC. (1816), nom. cons. * Martyniaceae Horan. (1847), nom. cons. * Mastixiaceae Calest. (1905) = Cornaceae * Maundiaceae Nakai (1943) = Juncaginaceae * Mayacaceae Kunth (1842), nom. cons. * Medeolaceae (S. Watson) Takht. (1987) = Liliaceae * Medusagynaceae Engl. & Gilg (1924), nom. cons., optional synonym of Ochnaceae * Medusandraceae Brenan (1952), nom. cons., unplaced * Melanophyllaceae Takht. ex Airy Shaw (1972) * Melanthiaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1796), nom. cons. * Melastomataceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Meliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Melianthaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Meliosmaceae Endl. (1841) = Sabiaceae * Memecylaceae DC. (1827), nom. cons., optional synonym of Melastomataceae * Mendonciaceae Bremek. (1954) = Acanthaceae * Menispermaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Menyanthaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Mesembryanthemaceae Fenzl (1836), nom. cons. = Aizoaceae * Metteniusaceae H.Karst. ex Schnizl. (1860-1870), unplaced * Meyeniaceae Sreem. (1977) = Acanthaceae * Milulaceae Traub (1972) = Alliaceae * Mimosaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. = Fabaceae * Misodendraceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Mitrastemonaceae Makino (1911), nom. cons., unplaced * Molluginaceae Bartl. (1825), nom. cons. * Monimiaceae Juss. (1809), nom. cons. * Monotaceae Kosterm. (1989) = Dipterocarpaceae * Monotropaceae Nutt. (1818), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Montiniaceae Nakai (1943), nom. cons. * Moraceae Link (1831), nom. cons. * Morinaceae Raf. (1820), optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Moringaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Mouririaceae Gardner (1840) = Memecylaceae, optional synonym of Melastomataceae * Moutabeaceae Endl. (1841) = Polygalaceae * Muntingiaceae C. Bayer, M.W.Chase & M.F. Fay (1998) * Musaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Myodocarpaceae Doweld (2001) * Myoporaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. = Scrophulariaceae * Myricaceae A. Rich. ex Kunth (1817), nom. cons. * Myriophyllaceae Schultz Sch. (1832) = Haloragaceae * Myristicaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Myrothamnaceae Nied. (1891), nom. cons., optional synonym of Gunneraceae * Myrsinaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Myrtaceae Juss. (1789), nom.c ons. * Mystropetalaceae Hook. f. (1853) = Balanophoraceae * Najadaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Hydrocharitaceae * Nandinaceae Horan. (1834) = Berberidaceae * Napoleonaceae A. Rich. (1827) = Lecythidaceae * Nartheciaceae Fr. ex Bjurzon (1846) * Naucleaceae Wernh. (1911) = Rubiaceae * Nectaropetalaceae (H.Winkl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951) = Erythroxylaceae * Nelsoniaceae Sreem. (1977) = Acanthaceae * Nelumbonaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom.c ons. * Nemacladaceae Nutt. (1842) = Lobeliaceae, optional synonym of Campanulaceae * Nepenthaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Nesogenaceae Marais (1981) = Orobanchaceae * Neuradaceae Link (1831), nom. cons. * Neuwiediaceae (Burns-Bal. & V.A. Funk) R. Dahlgren ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991) = Orchidaceae * Nitrariaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Nolanaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Solanaceae * Nolinaceae Nakai (1943) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Nothofagaceae Kuprian (1962) * Nupharaceae A. Kern. (1891) = Nymphaeaceae * Nyctaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Nyctanthaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Oleaceae * Nymphaeaceae Salisb. (1805), nom. cons. * Nypaceae Brongn. ex Le Maout & Decne. (1868) = Arecaceae * Nyssaceae Juss. ex Dumort. (1829), nom. cons., optional synonym of Cornaceae * Ochnaceae DC. (1811), nom. cons. * Octoknemaceae Soler. (1908), nom. cons. = Olacaceae * Oftiaceae Takht. & Reveal (1993) = Scrophulariaceae * Olacaceae R. Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link (1809), nom. cons. * Oliniaceae Arn. (1839), nom. cons. * Onagraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Oncothecaceae Kobuski ex Airy Shaw (1964) * Ophiopogonaceae Endl. (1841) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Opiliaceae Valeton (1886), nom. cons. * Orchidaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Orobanchaceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons. * Orontiaceae Bartl. (1830) = Araceae * Oxalidaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Oxystylidaceae Hutch. (1969) = Brassicaceae * Pachysandraceae J.Agardh (1858) = Buxaceae * Paeoniaceae Raf. (1815), nom. cons. * Paivaeusaceae A.Meeuse (1990) = Picrodendraceae * Palmae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Arecaceae * Pandaceae Engl. & Gilg (1912-1913), nom. cons. * Pandanaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Pangiaceae Endl. (1841) = Achariaceae * Papaveraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Papilionaceae Giseke (1792), nom. alt. et cons. = Fabaceae * Paracryphiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Parnassiaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Paronychiaceae Juss. (1815) = Caryophyllaceae * Paropsiaceae Dumort. (1829) = Passifloraceae * Passifloraceae Juss. ex R oussel (1806), nom. cons. * Paulowniaceae Nakai (1949) * Pedaliaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Peganaceae (Engl.) Tieghm. ex Takht. (1987), optional synonym of Nitrariaceae * Pellicieraceae (Triana & Planch.) L. Beauvis. ex Bullock (1959), optional synonym of Tetrameristaceae * Penaeaceae Sweet ex Guill. (1828), nom. cons. * Pennantiaceae J. Agardh (1858) * Pentadiplandraceae Hutch. & Dalziel (1928) * Pentaphragmataceae J. Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Pentaphylacaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. * Pentastemonaceae Duyfjes (1992) = Stemonaceae * Penthoraceae Rydb. ex Britt. (1901), nom. cons., optional synonym of Haloragaceae * Peperomiaceae A.C.Sm. (1981) = Piperaceae * Peraceae Klotzsch = Euphorbiaceae * Peridiscaceae Kuhlm. (1950), nom. cons. * Periplocaceae (Kostel.) Schltr. (1905), nom. cons. = Apocynaceae * Peripterygiaceae G. King (1895) = Cardiopteridaceae * Petermanniaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. = Colchicaceae * Petiveriaceae C. Agardh (1824) = Phytolaccaceae * Petrosaviaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. * Phellinaceae (Loes.) Takht. (1967) * Philadelphaceae Martynov (1820) = Hydrangeaceae * Philesiaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Philydraceae Link (1821), nom. cons. * Phormiaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Hemerocallidaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Phrymaceae Schauer (1847), nom. cons. * Phyllanthaceae Martynov (1820) * Phyllonomaceae Small (1905) * Physenaceae Takht. (1985) * Phytolaccaceae R. Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Picramniaceae Fernando & Quinn (1995) * Picrodendraceae Small (1917), nom. cons. * Piperaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Pistiaceae Rich. ex C.Agardh (1822) = Araceae * Pittosporaceae R. Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Plagiopteraceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Celastraceae * Plantaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Platanaceae T. Lestib. (1826), nom. cons., optional synonym of Proteaceae * Platycaryaceae Nakai ex Doweld (2001) = Juglandaceae * Platyspermataceae Doweld (2001) = Escalloniaceae * Platystemonaceae (Spach) Lilja (1870) = Papaveraceae * Plocospermataceae Hutch. (1973) * Plumbaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Plumeriaceae Horan. (1834) = Apocynaceae * Poaceae (R.Br.) Barnh. (1895), nom. cons. * Podoaceae Baill. ex Franch. (1889) = Anacardiaceae * Podophyllaceae DC. (1817), nom. cons. = Berberidaceae * Podostemaceae Kunth (1816), nom. cons. * Polemoniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Poliothyrsidaceae (G.S.Fan) Doweld (2001) = Salicaceae * Polpodaceae Nakai (1942) = Molluginaceae * Polygalaceae Hoffmanns. & Link (1809), nom. cons. * Polygonaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Polygonanthaceae Croizat (1943) = Anisophylleaceae * Polyosmaceae Blume (1851) * Pontederiaceae Kunth (1816), nom. cons. * Porantheraceae (Pax) Hurus. (1954) = Phyllanthaceae * Portulacaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Portulacariaceae (Fenzl) Doweld (2001) = Portulacaceae * Posidoniaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. * Potaliaceae Mart. (1827) = Gentianaceae * Potamogetonaceae Rchb. (1828), nom. cons. * Pottingeriaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1987), unplaced * Primulaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797), nom. cons. * Prioniaceae S.L. Munro & H.P. Linder (1998) = Thurniaceae * Prionotaceae Hutch. (1969) = Ericaceae * Proteaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Pseudanthaceae Endl. (1839) = Picrodendraceae * Psiloxylaceae Croizat (1960) * Ptaeroxylaceae J.-F.Leroy (1960) = Rutaceae * Pteridophyllaceae (Murb.) Nakai ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991), optional synonym of Papaveraceae * Pterostemonaceae Small (1905), nom. cons., optional synonym of Iteaceae * Punicaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1825), nom. cons. = Lythraceae * Putranjivaceae Endl. (1841) * Pyrolaceae Lindl. (1829), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Quiinaceae Choisy ex Engl. (1888), nom. cons., optional synonym of Ochnaceae * Quillajaceae D. Don (1831) * Quintiniaceae Doweld (2001) = Sphenostemonaceae * Rafflesiaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons., unplaced * Ranunculaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Ranzaniaceae (Kumaz. & Terab.) Takht. (1994) = Berberidaceae * Rapateaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Reaumuriaceae Ehrenb. ex Lindl. (1830) = Tamaricaceae * Resedaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Restionaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Retziaceae Bartl. (1830) = Stilbaceae * Rhabdodendraceae Prance (1968) * Rhamnaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Rhinanthaceae Vent. (1799) = Orobanchaceae * Rhipogonaceae Conran & Clifford (1985) * Rhizophoraceae Pers. (1807), nom. cons., optional synonym of Erythroxylaceae * Rhodoleiaceae Nakai (1943) = Hamamelidaceae * Rhoipteleaceae Hand. - Mazz. (1932), nom. cons., optional synonym of Juglandaceae * Rhopalocarpaceae Hemsl. ex Takht. (1987) = Sphaerosepalaceae * Rhynchocalycaceae L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs (1985) * Rhynchothecaceae Endl. (1841) = Ledocarpaceae * Roridulaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Rosaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Rousseaceae DC. (1839) * Roxburghiaceae Wall. (1832) = Stemonaceae * Rubiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Ruppiaceae Horan. (1834), nom. cons. * Ruscaceae Spreng. (1826), nom. cons., optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Rutaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Sabiaceae Blume (1851), nom. cons. * Saccifoliaceae Maguire & Pires (1978) = Gentianaceae * Salazariaceae F.A.Barkley (1975) = Lamiaceae * Salicaceae Mirb. (1815), nom. cons. * Salicorniaceae Martynov (1820) = Amaranthaceae * Salpiglossidaceae Hutch. (1969) = Solanaceae * Salsolaceae Menge (1839) = Amaranthaceae * Salvadoraceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Sambucaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797) = Adoxaceae * Samolaceae Raf. (1820) = Theophrastaceae * Samydaceae Vent. (1799) = Salicaceae * Saniculaceae (Burnett) A. Löve & D. Löve (1974) = Apiaceae * Sansevieriaceae Nakai (1936) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Santalaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Sapindaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Sapotaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Sarcobataceae Behnke (1997) * Sarcolaenaceae Caruel (1881), nom. cons. * Sarcophytaceae A. Kern. (1891) = Balanophoraceae * Sarcospermataceae H.J. Lam (1925), nom. cons. = Sapotaceae * Sargentodoxaceae Stapf ex Hutch. (1926), nom. cons. = Lardizabalaceae * Sarraceniaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Saurauiaceae Griseb. (1854), nom. cons. = Actinidiaceae * Saururaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Sauvagesiaceae Dumort. (1829) = Ochnaceae * Saxifragaceae Juss. (1789), nom .cons. * Scaevolaceae Lindl. (1830) = Goodeniaceae * Scepaceae Lindl. (1836) = Phyllanthaceae * Scheuchzeriaceae F. Rudolphi (1830), nom. cons. * Schisandraceae Blume (1830), nom. cons. * Schlegeliaceae (A.H. Gentry) Reveal (1996) * Sclerophylacaceae Miers (1848) = Solanaceae * Scoliopaceae Takht. (1996) = Liliaceae * Scrophulariaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Scybaliaceae A. Kern. (1891) = Balanophoraceae * Scyphostegiaceae Hutch. (1926), nom. cons. = Salicaceae * Scytopetalaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. = Lecythidaceae * Selaginaceae Choisy (1823), nom. cons. = Scrophulariaceae * Sesamaceae R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) = Pedaliaceae * Sesuviaceae Horan. (1834) = Aizoaceae * Setchellanthaceae Iltis (1999) * Simaroubaceae DC. (1811), nom. cons. * Simmondsiaceae Tiegh. (1899) * Sinofranchetiaceae Doweld (2001) = Lardizabalaceae * Siparunaceae (A. DC.) Schodde (1970) * Siphonodontaceae (Croizat) Gagnep. & Tardieu ex Tardieu (1951), nom. cons. = Celastraceae * Sladeniaceae Airy Shaw (1964), optional synonym of Pentaphylacaceae * Smilacaceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons. * Solanaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Sonneratiaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. = Lythraceae * Sparganiaceae Hanin (1811), nom. cons. * Spergulaceae Bartl. (1825) = Caryophyllaceae * Sphaerosepalaceae (Warb.) Tiegh. ex Bullock (1959) * Sphenocleaceae (Lindl.) Baskerville (1839), nom. cons. * Sphenostemonaceae P. Royen & Airy Shaw (1972) * Spigeliaceae Mart. (1827) = Loganiaceae * Spirae aceae Bertuch (1801) = Rosaceae * Stachyuraceae J. Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Stackhousiaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. = Celastraceae * Staphyleaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Staticaceae Cassel (1817) = Plumbaginaceae * Stegnospermataceae Nakai (1942) * Stemonaceae Caruel (1878), nom. cons. * Stemonuraceae (M. Roem.) Kårehed (2001) * Stenomeridaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Dioscoreaceae * Sterculiaceae Vent. ex Salisb. (1807), nom. cons. = Malvaceae * Stilaginaceae C. Agardh (1824) = Euphorbiaceae * Stilbaceae Kunth (1831), nom. cons. * Strasburgeriaceae Soler. (1908), nom. cons. * Strelitziaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. * Streptochae taceae Nakai (1943) = Poaceae * Strychnaceae DC. ex Perleb (1818) = Loganiaceae * Stylidiaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Stylobasiaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Surianaceae * Stylocerataceae (Pax) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) = Buxaceae * Styracaceae DC. & Spreng. (1821), nom. cons. * Surianaceae Arn. (1834), nom. cons. * Symphoremataceae (Meisn.) Mold. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991) = Lamiaceae * Symplocaceae Desf. (1820), nom. cons. * Taccaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. = Dioscoreaceae * Takhtajaniaceae (J.-F.Leroy) J.-F.Leroy (1980) = Winteraceae * Talinaceae (Fenzl) Doweld (2001) = Portulacaceae * Tamaricaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom.c ons. * Tapisciaceae (Pax) Takht. (1987) * Tecophilaeaceae Leyb. (1862), nom. cons. * Tepuianthaceae Maguire & Steyerm. (1981) = Thymelaeaceae * Ternstroemiaceae Mirb. ex DC. (1816), optional synonym of Pentaphylacaceae * Tetracarpaeaceae Nakai (1943), optional synonym of Haloragaceae * Tetracentraceae A.C. Sm. (1945), nom. cons., optional synonym of Trochodendraceae * Tetrachondraceae Wettst. (1924) * Tetradiclidaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1986), an optional synonym of Nitrariaceae * Tetragoniaceae Link (1831), nom. cons. = Aizoaceae * Tetramelaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Tetrameristaceae Hutch. (1959) * Tetrastylidiaceae Tiegh. (1899) = Olacaceae * Thalassiaceae Nakai (1943) = Hydrocharitaceae * Thalictraceae Raf. (1815) = Ranunculaceae * Theaceae Mirb. ex KerGawl. (1816), nom. cons. * Theligonaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Rubiaceae * Themidaceae Salisb. (1866), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Theophrastaceae Link (1829), nom. cons. * Thismiaceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons. = Burmanniaceae * Thomandersiaceae Sreem. (1977) = Acanthaceae * Thunbergiaceae (Dumort.) Lilja (1870) = Acanthaceae * Thurniaceae Engl. (1907), nom. cons. * Thymelaeaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Ticodendraceae Gómez-Laur. & L.D. Gómez (1991) * Tiliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Malvaceae * Tofieldiaceae Takht. (1995) * Torricelliaceae Hu (1934) * Tovariaceae Pax (1891), nom. cons. * Trapaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Lythraceae * Trapellaceae Honda & Sakis. (1930) = Pedaliaceae * Tremandraceae R.Br. ex DC. (1824), nom. cons. = Elaeocarpaceae * Trewiaceae Lindl. (1836) = Euphorbiaceae * Tribelaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Tribulaceae Trautv. (1853) = Zygophyllaceae * Trichopodaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. = Dioscoreaceae * Tricyrtidaceae Takht. (1997), nom. cons. = Liliaceae * Trigoniaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons., optional synonym of Chrysobalanaceae * Trilliaceae Chevall. (1827), nom. cons. = Melanthiaceae * Trimeniaceae L.S. Gibbs (1917), nom. cons. * Triplostegiaceae A.E.Bobrov ex Airy Shaw (1964) = Dipsacaceae, optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Tristichaceae Willis (1915) = Podostemaceae * Triuridaceae Gardner (1843), nom. cons. * Trochodendraceae Eichler (1865), nom.c ons. * Tropaeolaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Tulbaghiaceae Salisb. (1866) = Alliaceae * Turneraceae Kunth ex DC. (1828), nom. cons., optional synonym of Passifloraceae * Typhaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Uapacaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Phyllanthaceae * Ulmaceae Mirb. (1815), nom. cons. * Umbelliferae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Apiaceae * Urticaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Uvulariaceae A.Gray ex Kunth (1843), nom. cons. = Colchicaceae * Vacciniaceae DC. ex Perleb (1818), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Vahliaceae Dandy (1959) * Valerianaceae Batsch (1802), nom. cons., optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Vallisneriaceae Link (1829) = Hydrocharitaceae * Velloziaceae Hook. (1827), nom. cons. * Verbascaceae Raf. (1821) = Scrophulariaceae * Verbenaceae J.St.- Hil. (1805), nom. cons. * Veronicaceae Cassel (1817) = Plantaginaceae * Viburnaceae Raf. (1820) = Adoxaceae * Violaceae Batsch (1802), nom. cons. * Viscaceae Batsch (1802) = Santalaceae * Vitaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Viticaceae Juss. (1789) = Lamiaceae * Vivianiaceae Klotzsch (1836) * Vochysiaceae A.St.-Hil. (1820), nom. cons. * Walleriaceae (R.Dahlgren) Takht. (1995), nom. cons. = * Wellstediaceae (Pilg.) Novák (1943) = Boraginaceae * Winteraceae R.Br. ex Lindl. (1830), nom. cons. * Xanthophyllaceae (Baill.) Gagnep. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) = Polygalaceae * Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort. (1829), nom.c ons. * Xeronemataceae M.W. Chase, Rudall & M.F. Fay (2001) * Xerophyllaceae Takht. (1996) = Melanthiaceae * Xyridaceae C.A gardh (1823), nom. cons. * Zannichelliaceae Chevall. (1827), nom. cons. = Potamogetonaceae * Zingiberaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Zosteraceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Zygophyllaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Portail de la botanique (fr)
  • Une liste de nom des familles. Les noms gras sont les noms courants selon la classification phylogénétique APG II (2003). Les noms italiques ne sont pas assignés en APG II. * Abolbodaceae Nakai (1943) = Xyridaceae * Abrophyllaceae Nakai (1943) = Rousseaceae * Acanthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Acanthochlamydaceae P.C.Kao (1989) = Velloziaceae * Aceraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Sapindaceae * Achariaceae Harms (1897), nom. cons. * Achatocarpaceae Heimerl (1934), nom. cons. * Achradaceae Vest (1818) = Sapotaceae * Acoraceae Martynov (1820) * Actinidiaceae Gilg & Werderm. (1825), nom. cons. * Adoxaceae E.Mey. (1839), nom. cons. * Aegialitidaceae Lincz. (1968) = Plumbaginaceae * Aegicerataceae Blume (1833) = Myrsinaceae * Aextoxicaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons. * Agapanthaceae F.Voigt (1850), optional synonym of Alliaceae * Agavaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons., optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Agdestidaceae Nakai (1942) = Phytolaccaceae * Aizoaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Akaniaceae Stapf (1912), nom. cons. * Alangiaceae DC. (1827), nom. cons. = Cornaceae * Aldrovandaceae Nakai (1949) = Droseraceae * Alismataceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons. * Alliaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797), nom. cons. * Aloaceae Batsch (1802) = Asphodelaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Alseuosmiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Alsinaceae Bartl. (1825), nom. cons. = Caryophyllaceae * Alstroemeriaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Altingiaceae Horan. (1843), nom. cons. * Alzateaceae S.A. Graham (1985) * Amaranthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Amaryllidaceae J. St.-Hil. (1805), nom. cons., optional synonym of Alliaceae * Amborellaceae Pichon (1948), nom. cons. * Ambrosiaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. = Asteraceae * Amygdalaceae Marquis (1820), nom. cons. = Rosaceae * Amyridaceae Kunth (1824) = Rutaceae * Anacardiaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Anarthriaceae D.F. Cutler & Airy Shaw (1965) * Ancistrocladaceae Planch. ex Walp. (1851), nom. cons. * Androstachyaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Picrodendraceae * Anemarrhenaceae Conran, M.W. Chase & Rudall (1997) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Anisophylleaceae Ridl. (1922) * Annonaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Anomochloaceae Nakai (1943) = Poaceae * Anopteraceae Doweld (2001) = Escalloniaceae * Anthericaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Antirrhinaceae Pers. (1807) = Plantaginaceae * Antoniaceae Hutch. (1959) = Loganiaceae * Aphanopetalaceae Doweld (2001) * Aphloiaceae Takht. (1985) * Aphyllanthaceae Burnett (1835), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Apiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Apocynaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Apodanthaceae (R.Br.) Tiegh. ex Takht. (1987) = Rafflesiaceae * Aponogetonaceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Apostasiaceae Lindl. (1833), nom. cons. = Orchidaceae * Aptandraceae Miers (1853) = Olacaceae * Aquifoliaceae DC. ex A. Rich. (1828), nom. cons. * Aquilariaceae R.Br. ex DC. (1825) = Thymelaeaceae * Araceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Aragoaceae D.Don (1835) = Plantaginaceae * Araliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Aralidiaceae Philipson & B.C. Stone (1980) * Arecaceae Schultz - Sch. (1832), nom. cons. * Argophyllaceae (Engl.) Takht. 1987 * Aristoteliaceae Dumort. (1829) = Elaeocarpaceae * Aristolochiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Asclepiadaceae Borkh. (1797), nom. cons. = Apocynaceae * Asparagaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Asphodelaceae Juss. (1789), optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Aspidistraceae Endl. (1841) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Asteliaceae Dumort. (1829) * Asteraceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Asteranthaceae R.Knuth (1939), nom. cons. = Lecythidaceae * Asteropeiaceae (Szyszyl.) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) * Atherospermataceae R. Br. (1814) * Aucubaceae J. Agardh (1858), optional synonym of Garryaceae * Austrobaileyaceae (Croizat) Croizat 1943, nom. cons. * Averrhoaceae Hutch. (1959) = Oxalidaceae * Avetraceae Takht. (1997) = Dioscoreaceae * Avicenniaceae Endl. (1841) = Acanthaceae * Balanitaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. = Zygophyllaceae * Balanitaceae Endl. (1841) = Zygophyllaceae * Balanopaceae Benth. & Hook.f. (1880), nom. cons. * Balanophoraceae Rich. (1822), nom. cons., unplaced * Balsaminaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Bambusaceae Burnett (1835) = Poaceae * Barbeuiaceae Nakai (1942) * Barbeyaceae Rendle (1916), nom. cons. * Barclayaceae H.L.Li (1955) = Nymphaeaceae * Barringtoniaceae F. Rudolphi (1830), nom. cons. = Lecythidaceae * Basellaceae Raf. (1837), nom. cons. * Bataceae Perleb (1838), nom. cons. * Baueraceae Lindl. (1830) = Cunoniaceae * Baxteriaceae Takht. (1996) = Dasypogonaceae * Begoniaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Behniaceae Conran, M.W.Chase & Rudall (1997) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Bembiciaceae R.C.Keating & Takht. (1996) = Salicaceae * Berberidaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Berberidopsidaceae Takht. (1985) * Berryaceae Doweld (2001) = Malvaceae * Bersamaceae Doweld = Melianthaceae * Berzeliaceae Nakai (1943) = Bruniaceae * Betulaceae Gray (1821), nom. cons. * Biebersteiniaceae Endl. (1841) * Bignoniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Bischofiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Phyllanthaceae * Bixaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons. * Blandfordiaceae R.Dahlgren & Clifford (1985) * Blepharocaryaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Anacardiaceae * Boerlagellaceae H.J.Lam (1925) = Sapotaceae * Bombacaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons. = Malvaceae * Bonnetiaceae (Bartl.) L. Beauv. ex Nakai (1948) * Boopidaceae Cass. (1816) = Calyceraceae * Boraginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Boryaceae (Baker) M.W. Chase, Rudall & Conran (1997) * Brassicaceae Burnett (1835), nom. cons. * Bretschneideraceae Engl. & Gilg (1924), nom. cons., optional synonym of Akaniaceae * Brexiaceae Loudon (1830) = Celastraceae * Bromeliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Brunelliaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. * Bruniaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Brunoniaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Goodeniaceae * Buddlejaceae K.Wilh. (1910), nom. cons. = Scrophulariaceae * Burchardiaceae Takht. (1996) = Colchicaceae * Burmanniaceae Blume (1827), nom. cons. * Burseraceae Kunth (1824), nom. cons. * Butomaceae Mirb. (1804), nom. cons. * Buxaceae Dumort. (1822), nom. cons. * Byblidaceae (Engl. & Gilg) Domin 1922, nom. cons. * Byttneriaceae R. Br. (1814), nom. cons. = Malvaceae * Cabombaceae Rich. ex A. Rich. (1822), nom. cons., optional synonym of Nymphaeaceae * Cactaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Caesalpiniaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. = Fabaceae * Calceolariaceae (D.Don) Olmstead (2001) * Calectasiaceae Endl. (1838) = Dasypogonaceae * Calligonaceae Chalk (1985) = Polygonaceae * Callitrichaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. = Plantaginaceae * Calochortaceae Dumort. (1829) = Liliaceae * Calycanthaceae Lindl. (1819), nom. cons. * Calyceraceae R.Br. ex Rich. (1820), nom. cons. * Campanulaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Campynemataceae Dumort. (1829) * Canacomyricaceae Baum.-Bod. ex Doweld (2001) = Myricaceae * Canellaceae Mart. (1832), nom. cons. * Cannabaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Cannaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Canotiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Celastraceae * Capparaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Brassicaceae * Caprifoliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cardiopteridaceae Blume (1847), nom. cons. * Caricaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Carlemanniaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Carpinaceae Vest (1818) = Betulaceae * Carpodetaceae Fenzl (1841) = Rousseaceae * Cartonemataceae Pichon (1946) = Commelinaceae * Caryocaraceae Voigt (1845), nom. cons. * Caryophyllaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cassythaceae Bartl. ex Lindl. (1833), nom. cons. = Lauraceae * Casuarinaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Cecropiaceae C.C.Berg (1978) = Urticaceae * Celastraceae R. Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Celtidaceae Link (1831), nom. cons. = Cannabaceae * Centrolepidaceae Endl. (1836), nom. cons. * Cephalotaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Ceratophyllaceae Gray (1821), nom. cons. * Cercidiphyllaceae Engl. (1907), nom. cons. * Chenopodiaceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons. = Amaranthaceae * Chionographidaceae Takht. (1966) = Melanthiaceae * Chloanthaceae Hutch. (1959) = Lamiaceae * Chloranthaceae R.Br. ex Sims (1820), nom. cons. * Chrysobalanaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Cichoriaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Asteraceae * Circaeasteraceae Hutch. (1926), nom. cons. * Cistaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cleomaceae Horan. (1834) = Brassicaceae * Clethraceae Klotzsch (1851), nom. cons. * Clusiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Cneoraceae Vest (1818), nom. cons. = Rutaceae * Cobae aceae D.Don (1824) = Polemoniaceae * Cochlospermaceae Planch. (1847), nom. cons., optional synonym of Bixaceae * Colchicaceae DC. (1804), nom. cons. * Columelliaceae D.Don (1828), nom. cons. * Combretaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Commelinaceae Mirb. (1804), nom. cons. * Compositae Giseke (1792), nom. alt. et cons. = Asteraceae * Connaraceae R. Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Conostylidaceae (Benth.) Takht. (1987) = Haemodoraceae * Convallariaceae Horan. (1834) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Convolvulaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cordiaceae R.Br. ex Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Coriariaceae DC. (1824), nom. cons. * Coridaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Myrsinaceae * Cornaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Corokiaceae Kapil ex Takht. (1997) = Argophyllaceae * Corsiaceae Becc. (1878), nom. cons. * Corylaceae Mirb. (1815), nom. cons. = Betulaceae * Corynocarpaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. * Costaceae Nakai (1941) * Crassulaceae J.St.- Hil. (1805), nom. cons. * Croomiaceae Nakai (193) = Stemonaceae * Crossosomataceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. * Cruciferae Juss. (1789), nom.a lt. et cons. = Brassicaceae * Crypteroniaceae A.DC. (1868), nom. cons. * Ctenolophonaceae (H.Winkl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951) * Cucurbitaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cunoniaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Curtisiaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1987) * Cuscutaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. = Convolvulaceae * Cyananthaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Campanulaceae * Cyanastraceae Engl. (1900), nom.c ons. = * Cyclanthaceae Poit. ex A. Rich. (1824), nom. cons. * Cyclocheilaceae Marais (1981) = Orobanchaceae * Cymodoceaceae N. Taylor (1909), nom. cons. * Cynomoriaceae Lindl. (1833), nom. cons., unplaced * Cyperaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Cyphiaceae A. DC. (1839) = Lobeliaceae, optional synonym of Campanulaceae * Cyphocarpaceae (Miers) Reveal & Hoogl. (1996) = Lobeliaceae, optional synonym of Campanulaceae * Cypripediaceae Lindl. (1833) = Orchidaceae * Cyrillaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. * Cytinaceae A. Rich. (1824), unplaced * Dactylanthaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1987) = Balanophoraceae * Daphniphyllaceae Müll.-Arg. (1869), nom. cons. * Dasypogonaceae Dumort. (1829) * Datiscaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Davidiaceae H.L.Li (1955) = Cornaceae * Davidsoniaceae Bange (1952) = Cunoniaceae * Decaisneaceae (Takht. ex H.N. Qin) Loconte (1995) = Lardizabalaceae * Degeneriaceae I.W. Bailey & A.C. Sm. (1942), nom. cons. * Desfontainiaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons., optional synonym of Columelliaceae * Dialypetalanthaceae Rizzini & Occhioni (1948), nom. cons. = Rubiaceae * Dianellaceae Salisb. (1866) = Hemerocallidaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Diapensiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Dichapetalaceae Baill. (1886), nom. cons., optional synonym of Chrysobalanaceae * Dichondraceae Dumort. (1829) = Convolvulaceae * Diclidantheraceae J. Agardh (1858), nom. cons. = Polygalaceae * Didiereaceae Radlk. (1896), nom. cons. * Didymelaceae Leandri (1937), optional synonym of Buxaceae * Diegodendraceae Capuron (1964), optional synonym of Bixaceae * Diervillaceae (Raf.) Pyck (1998), optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Dilleniaceae Salisb. (1807), nom. cons. * Dionaeaceae Raf. (1837) = Droseraceae * Dioncophyllaceae Airy Shaw (1952), nom. cons. * Dioscoreaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Dipentodontaceae Merr. (1941), nom. cons., unplaced * Dipsacaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons., optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Dipterocarpaceae Blume (1825), nom. cons. * Dirachmaceae Hutch. (1959) * Donatiaceae B. Chandler (1911), nom. cons., optional synonym of Stylidiaceae * Doryanthaceae R. Dahlgren & Clifford (1985) * Dracaenaceae Salisb. (1866) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Droseraceae Salisb. (1808), nom. cons. * Drosophyllaceae Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnicka (1989) * Duabangaceae Takht. (1986) = Lythraceae * Duckeodendraceae Kuhlm. (1950) = Solanaceae * Dysphaniaceae (Pax) Pax (1927), nom. cons. = Amaranthaceae * Ebenaceae Gürke (1891), nom. cons. * Ecdeiocoleaceae D.F. Cutler & Airy Shaw (1965) * Ehretiaceae Mart. (1827), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Elaeagnaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Elaeocarpaceae Juss. ex DC. (1816), nom. cons. * Elatinaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Ellisiophyllaceae Honda (1930) = Plantaginaceae * Emblingiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Emottaceae Tiegh. (1899) = Icacinaceae * Empetraceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Engelhardtiaceae Reveal & Doweld (1999) = Juglandaceae * Epacridaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Epimediaceae Menge (1839) = Berberidaceae * Eremolepidaceae Tiegh. ex Nakai (1952) = Santalaceae * Eremosynaceae Dandy (1959) * Ericaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Eriocaulaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Eriospermaceae Endl. (1841) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Erycibaceae Endl. ex Meisn. (1840) = Convolvulaceae * Erythropalaceae Pilg. & K. Krause (1914), nom. cons. = Olacaceae * Erythroxylaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons. * Escalloniaceae R.Br. ex Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Eschscholziaceae Ser. (1847) = Papaveraceae * Eucommiaceae Engl. (1909), nom. cons. * Eucryphiaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. = Cunoniaceae * Euphorbiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Euphroniaceae Marc.-Berti (1989), optional synonym of Chrysobalanaceae * Eupomatiaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. * Eupteleaceae K. Wilh. (1910), nom. cons. * Euryalaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Nymphaeaceae * Eustrephaceae Chupov (1994) = Laxmanniaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Exbucklandiaceae Reveal & Doweld (1999) = Hamamelidaceae * Exocarpaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Santalaceae * Fabaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Fagaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Flacourtiaceae Rich. (1815-1816), nom. cons. = Salicaceae * Flagellariaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Flindersiaceae C.T. White ex Airy Shaw (1964) = Rutaceae * Foetidiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Lecythidaceae * Fouquieriaceae DC. (1828), nom. cons. * Francoaceae A. Juss. (1832), nom. cons., optional synonym of Melianthaceae * Frangulaceae DC. (1805) = Rhamnaceae * Frankeniaceae Desv. (1817), nom. cons. * Fumariaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons., optional synonym of Papaveraceae * Garryaceae Lindl. (1834), nom. cons. * Geissolomataceae Endl. (1841) * Geitonoplesiaceae R. Dahlgren ex Conran (1994) = Hemerocallidaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Gelsemiaceae (G. Don) Struwe & V.A. Albert (1995) * Geniostomaceae Struwe & V.A. Albert (1995) = Loganiaceae * Gentianaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Geosiridaceae Jonker (1939), nom. cons. = Iridaceae * Geraniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss. ex DC. (1816), nom. cons. * Gisekiaceae Nakai (1942) * Glaucidiaceae Tamura (1972) = Ranunculaceae * Globulariaceae DC. (1805), nom. cons. = Plantaginaceae * Goetzeaceae Miers ex Airy Shaw (1964) = Solanaceae * Gomortegaceae Reiche (1896), nom. cons. * Gonystylaceae Tiegh. (1896), nom. cons. = Thymelaeaceae * Goodeniaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Goupiaceae Miers (1862) * Gramineae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Poaceae * Greyiaceae Hutch. (1926), nom. cons. = Melianthaceae * Griseliniaceae J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. ex A. Cunn. (1839) * Gronoviaceae Endl. (1841) = Loasaceae * Grossulariaceae DC. (1805), nom. cons. * Grubbiaceae Endl. (1839), nom. cons. * Gunneraceae Meisn. (1842), nom. cons. * Gustaviaceae Burnett (1835) = Lecythidaceae * Guttiferae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Clusiaceae * Gyrocarpaceae Dumort. (1829) = Hernandiaceae * Gyrostemonaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons. * Hachetteaceae Doweld (2001) = Balanophoraceae * Haemodoraceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Halesiaceae D.Don (1828) = Styracaceae * Halophilaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Hydrocharitaceae * Halophytaceae A. Soriano (1984) * Haloragaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Hamamelidaceae R. Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Hanguanaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Hectorellaceae Philipson & Skipw. (1961) = Portulacaceae * Heliamphoraceae Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnicka (1992) = Sarraceniaceae * Heliconiaceae Nakai (1941) * Heliotropiaceae Schrad. (1819), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Helleboraceae Vest (1818) = Ranunculaceae * Heloniadaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Melanthiaceae * Helosaceae (Schott & Endl.) Bromhead (1840) = Balanophoraceae * Helwingiaceae Decne. (1836) * Hemerocallidaceae R.Br. (1810), optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Hemimeridaceae Doweld (2001) = Plantaginaceae * Henriqueziaceae Bremek. (1957) = Rubiaceae * Hernandiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Herreriaceae Endl. (1841) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Hesperocallidaceae Traub (1972), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Heteropyxidaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons. * Himantandraceae Diels (1917), nom. cons. * Hippocastanaceae A. Rich. (1823), nom. cons. = Sapindaceae * Hippocrateaceae Juss. (1811), nom. cons. = Celastraceae * Hippuridaceae Vest (1818), nom. cons. = Plantaginaceae * Hopkinsiaceae B.G. Briggs & L.A.S. Johnson (2000) = Anarthriaceae * Hoplestigmataceae Gilg (1924), nom. cons., unplaced * Hortoniaceae (J.R. Perkins & Gilg) A.C. Sm. (1971) = Monimiaceae * Hostaceae B.Mathew (1988) = Agavaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Huaceae A.Chev. (1947) * Huerteaceae Doweld (2001) = Tapisciaceae * Hugoniaceae Arn. (1834) = Linaceae * Humbertiaceae Pichon (1947), nom. cons. = Convolvulaceae * Humiriaceae A. Juss. (1829), nom. cons. * Hyacinthaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Hydatellaceae U. Hamann (1976) * Hydnoraceae C. Agardh (1821), nom. cons. * Hydrangeaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Hydrastidaceae Martynov (1820) = Ranunculaceae * Hydrocharitaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Hydrocotylaceae (Link) N.Hyl. (1945), nom. cons. = Araliaceae * Hydroleaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) * Hydropeltidaceae (DC.) Dumort. (1822) = Nymphaeaceae * Hydrophyllaceae R.Br. (1817), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Hydrostachyaceae (Tul.) Engl. (1894), nom. cons. * Hymenocardiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Phyllanthaceae * Hypecoaceae Willk. & Lange (1880) = Papaveraceae * Hypericaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Hypoxidaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Hypseocharitaceae Wedd. (1861), optional synonym of Geraniaceae * Icacinaceae (Benth.) M iers (1851), nom. cons. * Idiospermaceae S.T. Blake (1972) = Calycanthaceae * Illecebraceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. = Caryophyllaceae * Illiciaceae A.C. Sm. (1947), nom. cons., optional synonym of Schisandraceae * Iridaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Irvingiaceae (Engl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951), nom. cons. * Isophysidaceae (Hutch.) F.A. Barkley (1948) = Iridaceae * Iteaceae J. Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Ixerbaceae Griseb. (1854) * Ixioliriaceae Nakai (1943) * Ixonanthaceae Planch. ex Miq. (1858), nom. cons. * Japonoliriaceae Takht. (1996) = Petrosaviaceae * Johnsoniaceae Lotsy (1911) = Hemerocallidaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Joinvilleaceae Toml. & A.C. Sm. (1970) * Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb (1818), nom. cons. * Julianiaceae Hemsl. (1906), nom. cons. = Anacardiaceae * Juncaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Juncaginaceae Rich. (1808), nom. cons. * Justiciaceae Raf. (1838) = Acanthaceae * Kaliphoraceae Takht. (1996) = Montiniaceae * Kiggelariaceae Link (1831) = Achariaceae * Kingdoniaceae A.S. Foster ex Airy Shaw (1964), optional synonym of Circaeasteraceae * Kirengeshomaceae Nakai (1943) = Hydrangeaceae * Kirkiaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1967) * Koeberliniaceae Engl. (1895), nom. cons. * Krameriaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons., optional synonym of Zygophyllaceae * Labiatae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Lamiaceae * Lacandoniaceae E. Martínes & Ramos (1989) = Triuridaceae * Lacistemataceae Mart. (1826), nom. cons. * Lactoridaceae Engl. (1888), nom. cons. * Lamiaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Lanariaceae H. Huber ex R. Dahlgren & A.E. van Wyk (1988) * Langsdorffiaceae Tiegh. ex Pilger (1914) = Balanophoraceae * Lardizabalaceae R.Br. (1821), nom. cons. * Lauraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Laxmanniaceae Bubani (1901-1902), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Lecythidaceae A. Rich. (1825), nom. cons. * Ledocarpaceae Meyen (1834) * Leeaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Vitaceae * Leguminosae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Fabaceae * Leitneriaceae Benth. & Hook.f. (1880), nom. cons. = Simaroubaceae * Lemnaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. = Araceae * Lennoaceae Solms (1870), nom. cons. = Boraginaceae * Lentibulariaceae Rich. (1808), nom. cons. * Leoniaceae A.DC. (1844) = Violaceae * Leonticaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820) = Berberidaceae * Lepidobotryaceae J. Léonard (1950), nom. cons. * Lepuropetalaceae Nakai (1943), optional synonym of Parnassiaceae * Lilae aceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Juncaginaceae * Liliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Limnanthaceae R.Br. (1833), nom. cons. * Limnocharitaceae Takht. ex Cronquist (1981) * Limoniaceae Ser. (1851), nom. cons. = Plumbaginaceae * Linaceae DC. ex Perleb (1818), nom. cons. * Lindenbergiaceae Doweld (2001) = Orobanchaceae * Linnaeaceae (Raf.) Backlund (1998), optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Liriodendraceae F.A.Barkley (1975) = Magnoliaceae * Lissocarpaceae Gilg (1924), nom. cons. = Ebenaceae * Loasaceae Juss. (1804), nom. cons. * Lobeliaceae Juss. (1813), nom. cons., optional synonym of Campanulaceae * Loganiaceae R. Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Lomandraceae Lotsy (1911) = Laxmanniaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Lophiolaceae Nakai (1943) = Nartheciaceae * Lophiraceae Loud. (1830) = Ochnaceae * Lophophytaceae (Schott & Endl.) Bromhead (1840) = Balanophoraceae * Lophopyxidaceae (Engl.) H. Pfeiff. (1951) * Loranthaceae Juss. (1808), nom. cons. * Lowiaceae Ridl. (1924), nom. cons. * Luxemburgiaceae Soler. (1908) = Ochnaceae * Luzuriagaceae Lotsy (1911) * Lyginiaceae B.G.Briggs & L.A.S.Johnson (2000) = Anarthriaceae * Lythraceae J.St.-Hil. (1805), nom. cons. * Mackinlayaceae Doweld (2001) * Maesaceae (A.DC.) Anderb., B. Ståhl & Källersjö (2000) * Magnoliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Malaceae Small (1903), nom. cons. = Rosaceae * Malesherbiaceae D.Don (1827), nom. cons., optional synonym of Passifloraceae * Malpighiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Malvaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Marantaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Marcgraviaceae Juss. ex DC. (1816), nom. cons. * Martyniaceae Horan. (1847), nom. cons. * Mastixiaceae Calest. (1905) = Cornaceae * Maundiaceae Nakai (1943) = Juncaginaceae * Mayacaceae Kunth (1842), nom. cons. * Medeolaceae (S. Watson) Takht. (1987) = Liliaceae * Medusagynaceae Engl. & Gilg (1924), nom. cons., optional synonym of Ochnaceae * Medusandraceae Brenan (1952), nom. cons., unplaced * Melanophyllaceae Takht. ex Airy Shaw (1972) * Melanthiaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1796), nom. cons. * Melastomataceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Meliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Melianthaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Meliosmaceae Endl. (1841) = Sabiaceae * Memecylaceae DC. (1827), nom. cons., optional synonym of Melastomataceae * Mendonciaceae Bremek. (1954) = Acanthaceae * Menispermaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Menyanthaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Mesembryanthemaceae Fenzl (1836), nom. cons. = Aizoaceae * Metteniusaceae H.Karst. ex Schnizl. (1860-1870), unplaced * Meyeniaceae Sreem. (1977) = Acanthaceae * Milulaceae Traub (1972) = Alliaceae * Mimosaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. = Fabaceae * Misodendraceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Mitrastemonaceae Makino (1911), nom. cons., unplaced * Molluginaceae Bartl. (1825), nom. cons. * Monimiaceae Juss. (1809), nom. cons. * Monotaceae Kosterm. (1989) = Dipterocarpaceae * Monotropaceae Nutt. (1818), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Montiniaceae Nakai (1943), nom. cons. * Moraceae Link (1831), nom. cons. * Morinaceae Raf. (1820), optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Moringaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Mouririaceae Gardner (1840) = Memecylaceae, optional synonym of Melastomataceae * Moutabeaceae Endl. (1841) = Polygalaceae * Muntingiaceae C. Bayer, M.W.Chase & M.F. Fay (1998) * Musaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Myodocarpaceae Doweld (2001) * Myoporaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. = Scrophulariaceae * Myricaceae A. Rich. ex Kunth (1817), nom. cons. * Myriophyllaceae Schultz Sch. (1832) = Haloragaceae * Myristicaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Myrothamnaceae Nied. (1891), nom. cons., optional synonym of Gunneraceae * Myrsinaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Myrtaceae Juss. (1789), nom.c ons. * Mystropetalaceae Hook. f. (1853) = Balanophoraceae * Najadaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Hydrocharitaceae * Nandinaceae Horan. (1834) = Berberidaceae * Napoleonaceae A. Rich. (1827) = Lecythidaceae * Nartheciaceae Fr. ex Bjurzon (1846) * Naucleaceae Wernh. (1911) = Rubiaceae * Nectaropetalaceae (H.Winkl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951) = Erythroxylaceae * Nelsoniaceae Sreem. (1977) = Acanthaceae * Nelumbonaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom.c ons. * Nemacladaceae Nutt. (1842) = Lobeliaceae, optional synonym of Campanulaceae * Nepenthaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Nesogenaceae Marais (1981) = Orobanchaceae * Neuradaceae Link (1831), nom. cons. * Neuwiediaceae (Burns-Bal. & V.A. Funk) R. Dahlgren ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991) = Orchidaceae * Nitrariaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Nolanaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Solanaceae * Nolinaceae Nakai (1943) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Nothofagaceae Kuprian (1962) * Nupharaceae A. Kern. (1891) = Nymphaeaceae * Nyctaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Nyctanthaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Oleaceae * Nymphaeaceae Salisb. (1805), nom. cons. * Nypaceae Brongn. ex Le Maout & Decne. (1868) = Arecaceae * Nyssaceae Juss. ex Dumort. (1829), nom. cons., optional synonym of Cornaceae * Ochnaceae DC. (1811), nom. cons. * Octoknemaceae Soler. (1908), nom. cons. = Olacaceae * Oftiaceae Takht. & Reveal (1993) = Scrophulariaceae * Olacaceae R. Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link (1809), nom. cons. * Oliniaceae Arn. (1839), nom. cons. * Onagraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Oncothecaceae Kobuski ex Airy Shaw (1964) * Ophiopogonaceae Endl. (1841) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Opiliaceae Valeton (1886), nom. cons. * Orchidaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Orobanchaceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons. * Orontiaceae Bartl. (1830) = Araceae * Oxalidaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Oxystylidaceae Hutch. (1969) = Brassicaceae * Pachysandraceae J.Agardh (1858) = Buxaceae * Paeoniaceae Raf. (1815), nom. cons. * Paivaeusaceae A.Meeuse (1990) = Picrodendraceae * Palmae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Arecaceae * Pandaceae Engl. & Gilg (1912-1913), nom. cons. * Pandanaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Pangiaceae Endl. (1841) = Achariaceae * Papaveraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Papilionaceae Giseke (1792), nom. alt. et cons. = Fabaceae * Paracryphiaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Parnassiaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Paronychiaceae Juss. (1815) = Caryophyllaceae * Paropsiaceae Dumort. (1829) = Passifloraceae * Passifloraceae Juss. ex R oussel (1806), nom. cons. * Paulowniaceae Nakai (1949) * Pedaliaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Peganaceae (Engl.) Tieghm. ex Takht. (1987), optional synonym of Nitrariaceae * Pellicieraceae (Triana & Planch.) L. Beauvis. ex Bullock (1959), optional synonym of Tetrameristaceae * Penaeaceae Sweet ex Guill. (1828), nom. cons. * Pennantiaceae J. Agardh (1858) * Pentadiplandraceae Hutch. & Dalziel (1928) * Pentaphragmataceae J. Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Pentaphylacaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. * Pentastemonaceae Duyfjes (1992) = Stemonaceae * Penthoraceae Rydb. ex Britt. (1901), nom. cons., optional synonym of Haloragaceae * Peperomiaceae A.C.Sm. (1981) = Piperaceae * Peraceae Klotzsch = Euphorbiaceae * Peridiscaceae Kuhlm. (1950), nom. cons. * Periplocaceae (Kostel.) Schltr. (1905), nom. cons. = Apocynaceae * Peripterygiaceae G. King (1895) = Cardiopteridaceae * Petermanniaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. = Colchicaceae * Petiveriaceae C. Agardh (1824) = Phytolaccaceae * Petrosaviaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. * Phellinaceae (Loes.) Takht. (1967) * Philadelphaceae Martynov (1820) = Hydrangeaceae * Philesiaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Philydraceae Link (1821), nom. cons. * Phormiaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Hemerocallidaceae, optional synonym of Xanthorrhoeaceae * Phrymaceae Schauer (1847), nom. cons. * Phyllanthaceae Martynov (1820) * Phyllonomaceae Small (1905) * Physenaceae Takht. (1985) * Phytolaccaceae R. Br. (1818), nom. cons. * Picramniaceae Fernando & Quinn (1995) * Picrodendraceae Small (1917), nom. cons. * Piperaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Pistiaceae Rich. ex C.Agardh (1822) = Araceae * Pittosporaceae R. Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Plagiopteraceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Celastraceae * Plantaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Platanaceae T. Lestib. (1826), nom. cons., optional synonym of Proteaceae * Platycaryaceae Nakai ex Doweld (2001) = Juglandaceae * Platyspermataceae Doweld (2001) = Escalloniaceae * Platystemonaceae (Spach) Lilja (1870) = Papaveraceae * Plocospermataceae Hutch. (1973) * Plumbaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Plumeriaceae Horan. (1834) = Apocynaceae * Poaceae (R.Br.) Barnh. (1895), nom. cons. * Podoaceae Baill. ex Franch. (1889) = Anacardiaceae * Podophyllaceae DC. (1817), nom. cons. = Berberidaceae * Podostemaceae Kunth (1816), nom. cons. * Polemoniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Poliothyrsidaceae (G.S.Fan) Doweld (2001) = Salicaceae * Polpodaceae Nakai (1942) = Molluginaceae * Polygalaceae Hoffmanns. & Link (1809), nom. cons. * Polygonaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Polygonanthaceae Croizat (1943) = Anisophylleaceae * Polyosmaceae Blume (1851) * Pontederiaceae Kunth (1816), nom. cons. * Porantheraceae (Pax) Hurus. (1954) = Phyllanthaceae * Portulacaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Portulacariaceae (Fenzl) Doweld (2001) = Portulacaceae * Posidoniaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. * Potaliaceae Mart. (1827) = Gentianaceae * Potamogetonaceae Rchb. (1828), nom. cons. * Pottingeriaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1987), unplaced * Primulaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797), nom. cons. * Prioniaceae S.L. Munro & H.P. Linder (1998) = Thurniaceae * Prionotaceae Hutch. (1969) = Ericaceae * Proteaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Pseudanthaceae Endl. (1839) = Picrodendraceae * Psiloxylaceae Croizat (1960) * Ptaeroxylaceae J.-F.Leroy (1960) = Rutaceae * Pteridophyllaceae (Murb.) Nakai ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991), optional synonym of Papaveraceae * Pterostemonaceae Small (1905), nom. cons., optional synonym of Iteaceae * Punicaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1825), nom. cons. = Lythraceae * Putranjivaceae Endl. (1841) * Pyrolaceae Lindl. (1829), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Quiinaceae Choisy ex Engl. (1888), nom. cons., optional synonym of Ochnaceae * Quillajaceae D. Don (1831) * Quintiniaceae Doweld (2001) = Sphenostemonaceae * Rafflesiaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons., unplaced * Ranunculaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Ranzaniaceae (Kumaz. & Terab.) Takht. (1994) = Berberidaceae * Rapateaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Reaumuriaceae Ehrenb. ex Lindl. (1830) = Tamaricaceae * Resedaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Restionaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Retziaceae Bartl. (1830) = Stilbaceae * Rhabdodendraceae Prance (1968) * Rhamnaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Rhinanthaceae Vent. (1799) = Orobanchaceae * Rhipogonaceae Conran & Clifford (1985) * Rhizophoraceae Pers. (1807), nom. cons., optional synonym of Erythroxylaceae * Rhodoleiaceae Nakai (1943) = Hamamelidaceae * Rhoipteleaceae Hand. - Mazz. (1932), nom. cons., optional synonym of Juglandaceae * Rhopalocarpaceae Hemsl. ex Takht. (1987) = Sphaerosepalaceae * Rhynchocalycaceae L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs (1985) * Rhynchothecaceae Endl. (1841) = Ledocarpaceae * Roridulaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Rosaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Rousseaceae DC. (1839) * Roxburghiaceae Wall. (1832) = Stemonaceae * Rubiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Ruppiaceae Horan. (1834), nom. cons. * Ruscaceae Spreng. (1826), nom. cons., optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Rutaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Sabiaceae Blume (1851), nom. cons. * Saccifoliaceae Maguire & Pires (1978) = Gentianaceae * Salazariaceae F.A.Barkley (1975) = Lamiaceae * Salicaceae Mirb. (1815), nom. cons. * Salicorniaceae Martynov (1820) = Amaranthaceae * Salpiglossidaceae Hutch. (1969) = Solanaceae * Salsolaceae Menge (1839) = Amaranthaceae * Salvadoraceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons. * Sambucaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797) = Adoxaceae * Samolaceae Raf. (1820) = Theophrastaceae * Samydaceae Vent. (1799) = Salicaceae * Saniculaceae (Burnett) A. Löve & D. Löve (1974) = Apiaceae * Sansevieriaceae Nakai (1936) = Ruscaceae, optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Santalaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Sapindaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Sapotaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Sarcobataceae Behnke (1997) * Sarcolaenaceae Caruel (1881), nom. cons. * Sarcophytaceae A. Kern. (1891) = Balanophoraceae * Sarcospermataceae H.J. Lam (1925), nom. cons. = Sapotaceae * Sargentodoxaceae Stapf ex Hutch. (1926), nom. cons. = Lardizabalaceae * Sarraceniaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Saurauiaceae Griseb. (1854), nom. cons. = Actinidiaceae * Saururaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Sauvagesiaceae Dumort. (1829) = Ochnaceae * Saxifragaceae Juss. (1789), nom .cons. * Scaevolaceae Lindl. (1830) = Goodeniaceae * Scepaceae Lindl. (1836) = Phyllanthaceae * Scheuchzeriaceae F. Rudolphi (1830), nom. cons. * Schisandraceae Blume (1830), nom. cons. * Schlegeliaceae (A.H. Gentry) Reveal (1996) * Sclerophylacaceae Miers (1848) = Solanaceae * Scoliopaceae Takht. (1996) = Liliaceae * Scrophulariaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Scybaliaceae A. Kern. (1891) = Balanophoraceae * Scyphostegiaceae Hutch. (1926), nom. cons. = Salicaceae * Scytopetalaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. = Lecythidaceae * Selaginaceae Choisy (1823), nom. cons. = Scrophulariaceae * Sesamaceae R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) = Pedaliaceae * Sesuviaceae Horan. (1834) = Aizoaceae * Setchellanthaceae Iltis (1999) * Simaroubaceae DC. (1811), nom. cons. * Simmondsiaceae Tiegh. (1899) * Sinofranchetiaceae Doweld (2001) = Lardizabalaceae * Siparunaceae (A. DC.) Schodde (1970) * Siphonodontaceae (Croizat) Gagnep. & Tardieu ex Tardieu (1951), nom. cons. = Celastraceae * Sladeniaceae Airy Shaw (1964), optional synonym of Pentaphylacaceae * Smilacaceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons. * Solanaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Sonneratiaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons. = Lythraceae * Sparganiaceae Hanin (1811), nom. cons. * Spergulaceae Bartl. (1825) = Caryophyllaceae * Sphaerosepalaceae (Warb.) Tiegh. ex Bullock (1959) * Sphenocleaceae (Lindl.) Baskerville (1839), nom. cons. * Sphenostemonaceae P. Royen & Airy Shaw (1972) * Spigeliaceae Mart. (1827) = Loganiaceae * Spirae aceae Bertuch (1801) = Rosaceae * Stachyuraceae J. Agardh (1858), nom. cons. * Stackhousiaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. = Celastraceae * Staphyleaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Staticaceae Cassel (1817) = Plumbaginaceae * Stegnospermataceae Nakai (1942) * Stemonaceae Caruel (1878), nom. cons. * Stemonuraceae (M. Roem.) Kårehed (2001) * Stenomeridaceae J. Agardh (1858) = Dioscoreaceae * Sterculiaceae Vent. ex Salisb. (1807), nom. cons. = Malvaceae * Stilaginaceae C. Agardh (1824) = Euphorbiaceae * Stilbaceae Kunth (1831), nom. cons. * Strasburgeriaceae Soler. (1908), nom. cons. * Strelitziaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. * Streptochae taceae Nakai (1943) = Poaceae * Strychnaceae DC. ex Perleb (1818) = Loganiaceae * Stylidiaceae R. Br. (1810), nom. cons. * Stylobasiaceae J.Agardh (1858) = Surianaceae * Stylocerataceae (Pax) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) = Buxaceae * Styracaceae DC. & Spreng. (1821), nom. cons. * Surianaceae Arn. (1834), nom. cons. * Symphoremataceae (Meisn.) Mold. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991) = Lamiaceae * Symplocaceae Desf. (1820), nom. cons. * Taccaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons. = Dioscoreaceae * Takhtajaniaceae (J.-F.Leroy) J.-F.Leroy (1980) = Winteraceae * Talinaceae (Fenzl) Doweld (2001) = Portulacaceae * Tamaricaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom.c ons. * Tapisciaceae (Pax) Takht. (1987) * Tecophilaeaceae Leyb. (1862), nom. cons. * Tepuianthaceae Maguire & Steyerm. (1981) = Thymelaeaceae * Ternstroemiaceae Mirb. ex DC. (1816), optional synonym of Pentaphylacaceae * Tetracarpaeaceae Nakai (1943), optional synonym of Haloragaceae * Tetracentraceae A.C. Sm. (1945), nom. cons., optional synonym of Trochodendraceae * Tetrachondraceae Wettst. (1924) * Tetradiclidaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1986), an optional synonym of Nitrariaceae * Tetragoniaceae Link (1831), nom. cons. = Aizoaceae * Tetramelaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Tetrameristaceae Hutch. (1959) * Tetrastylidiaceae Tiegh. (1899) = Olacaceae * Thalassiaceae Nakai (1943) = Hydrocharitaceae * Thalictraceae Raf. (1815) = Ranunculaceae * Theaceae Mirb. ex KerGawl. (1816), nom. cons. * Theligonaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Rubiaceae * Themidaceae Salisb. (1866), optional synonym of Asparagaceae * Theophrastaceae Link (1829), nom. cons. * Thismiaceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons. = Burmanniaceae * Thomandersiaceae Sreem. (1977) = Acanthaceae * Thunbergiaceae (Dumort.) Lilja (1870) = Acanthaceae * Thurniaceae Engl. (1907), nom. cons. * Thymelaeaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Ticodendraceae Gómez-Laur. & L.D. Gómez (1991) * Tiliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Malvaceae * Tofieldiaceae Takht. (1995) * Torricelliaceae Hu (1934) * Tovariaceae Pax (1891), nom. cons. * Trapaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. = Lythraceae * Trapellaceae Honda & Sakis. (1930) = Pedaliaceae * Tremandraceae R.Br. ex DC. (1824), nom. cons. = Elaeocarpaceae * Trewiaceae Lindl. (1836) = Euphorbiaceae * Tribelaceae Airy Shaw (1964) * Tribulaceae Trautv. (1853) = Zygophyllaceae * Trichopodaceae Hutch. (1934), nom. cons. = Dioscoreaceae * Tricyrtidaceae Takht. (1997), nom. cons. = Liliaceae * Trigoniaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons., optional synonym of Chrysobalanaceae * Trilliaceae Chevall. (1827), nom. cons. = Melanthiaceae * Trimeniaceae L.S. Gibbs (1917), nom. cons. * Triplostegiaceae A.E.Bobrov ex Airy Shaw (1964) = Dipsacaceae, optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Tristichaceae Willis (1915) = Podostemaceae * Triuridaceae Gardner (1843), nom. cons. * Trochodendraceae Eichler (1865), nom.c ons. * Tropaeolaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820), nom. cons. * Tulbaghiaceae Salisb. (1866) = Alliaceae * Turneraceae Kunth ex DC. (1828), nom. cons., optional synonym of Passifloraceae * Typhaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Uapacaceae Airy Shaw (1964) = Phyllanthaceae * Ulmaceae Mirb. (1815), nom. cons. * Umbelliferae Juss. (1789), nom. alt. et cons. = Apiaceae * Urticaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Uvulariaceae A.Gray ex Kunth (1843), nom. cons. = Colchicaceae * Vacciniaceae DC. ex Perleb (1818), nom. cons. = Ericaceae * Vahliaceae Dandy (1959) * Valerianaceae Batsch (1802), nom. cons., optional synonym of Caprifoliaceae * Vallisneriaceae Link (1829) = Hydrocharitaceae * Velloziaceae Hook. (1827), nom. cons. * Verbascaceae Raf. (1821) = Scrophulariaceae * Verbenaceae J.St.- Hil. (1805), nom. cons. * Veronicaceae Cassel (1817) = Plantaginaceae * Viburnaceae Raf. (1820) = Adoxaceae * Violaceae Batsch (1802), nom. cons. * Viscaceae Batsch (1802) = Santalaceae * Vitaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Viticaceae Juss. (1789) = Lamiaceae * Vivianiaceae Klotzsch (1836) * Vochysiaceae A.St.-Hil. (1820), nom. cons. * Walleriaceae (R.Dahlgren) Takht. (1995), nom. cons. = * Wellstediaceae (Pilg.) Novák (1943) = Boraginaceae * Winteraceae R.Br. ex Lindl. (1830), nom. cons. * Xanthophyllaceae (Baill.) Gagnep. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) = Polygalaceae * Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort. (1829), nom.c ons. * Xeronemataceae M.W. Chase, Rudall & M.F. Fay (2001) * Xerophyllaceae Takht. (1996) = Melanthiaceae * Xyridaceae C.A gardh (1823), nom. cons. * Zannichelliaceae Chevall. (1827), nom. cons. = Potamogetonaceae * Zingiberaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons. * Zosteraceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons. * Zygophyllaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons. * Portail de la botanique (fr)
  • 1021120 (xsd:integer)
  • 46159 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 136440344 (xsd:integer)
  • Une liste de nom des familles. Les noms gras sont les noms courants selon la classification phylogénétique APG II (2003). Les noms italiques ne sont pas assignés en APG II. * Abolbodaceae Nakai (1943) = Xyridaceae * Abrophyllaceae Nakai (1943) = Rousseaceae * Acanthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Acanthochlamydaceae P.C.Kao (1989) = Velloziaceae * Aceraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Sapindaceae * Achariaceae Harms (1897), nom. cons. * Achatocarpaceae Heimerl (1934), nom. cons. * Achradaceae Vest (1818) = Sapotaceae * Acoraceae Martynov (1820) * Actinidiaceae Gilg & Werderm. (1825), nom. cons. * Adoxaceae E.Mey. (1839), nom. cons. * Aegialitidaceae Lincz. (1968) = Plumbaginaceae * Aegicerataceae Blume (1833) = Myrsinaceae * Aextoxicaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons. * Ag (fr)
  • Une liste de nom des familles. Les noms gras sont les noms courants selon la classification phylogénétique APG II (2003). Les noms italiques ne sont pas assignés en APG II. * Abolbodaceae Nakai (1943) = Xyridaceae * Abrophyllaceae Nakai (1943) = Rousseaceae * Acanthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. * Acanthochlamydaceae P.C.Kao (1989) = Velloziaceae * Aceraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons. = Sapindaceae * Achariaceae Harms (1897), nom. cons. * Achatocarpaceae Heimerl (1934), nom. cons. * Achradaceae Vest (1818) = Sapotaceae * Acoraceae Martynov (1820) * Actinidiaceae Gilg & Werderm. (1825), nom. cons. * Adoxaceae E.Mey. (1839), nom. cons. * Aegialitidaceae Lincz. (1968) = Plumbaginaceae * Aegicerataceae Blume (1833) = Myrsinaceae * Aextoxicaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons. * Ag (fr)
  • Noms des familles en APG II (fr)
  • Noms des familles en APG II (fr)
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