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Récit de voyage en Palestine
Les récits de voyage en Palestine sont des descriptions écrites de la région de la Palestine, ou de la Terre sainte, par les voyageurs, en particulier avant le XXe siècle. Ces ouvrages sont des sources importantes pour l'étude de l'histoire de la Palestine et de l'histoire d'Israël. Des études de la littérature géographique sur la Palestine ont été publiées par Edward Robinson, en 1841, Titus Tobler, en 1867 et, plus tard, par Reinhold Röhricht en 1890. Röhricht a catalogué 177 ouvrages, datés entre 333 et 1300 av. J.-C., 19 ouvrages du XIVe siècle, 279 ouvrages du XVe siècle, 333 ouvrages du XVIe siècle, 390 ouvrages du XVIIe siècle, 318 ouvrages du XVIIIe siècle et 1 915 ouvrages du XIXe siècle.
wikidata:Q20988805 n22:11bv6mkf6q dbr:Travelogues_of_Palestine
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category-fr:Liste_en_rapport_avec_la_Palestine category-fr:Géographie_de_la_Palestine category-fr:Récit_de_voyage
n13:Notes n13:Légende_plume n13:Lien n13:Sp- n13:Palette n13:Ouvrage n13:Nombre n13:Article n13:Citation n13:Av_JC n13:Efn n13:, n13:Sfn n13:S- n13:Références n13:Portail n29:Référence
1743 1744 1759 1766 1783 1786 1788 1999 1923 1921 1926 1858 1859 1856 1857 1862 1863 1861 1866 1867 1865 1871 1868 1869 1875 1878 1877 1882 1880 1881 1886 1887 1888 1889 1894 1893 1896 1902 1906 1907 1905 1913 1792 1799 1803 1810 1812 1813 1818 1822 1823 1820 1821 1826 1824 1825 1830 1828 1835 1836 1837 1842 1841 1847 1844 1845 1851 1848 1849 1854 1853 c. 1881
Wilson, Charles Williams C B. Walk John Fulleylove Sarah Barclay Johnson T. Wright K. Christison dbpedia-fr:Eugène-Melchior_de_Vogüé Howard Crosby dbpedia-fr:Josiah_Conder_(écrivain) David Roberts François Tott dbpedia-fr:John_Lloyd_Stephens George Croly John Fuller Jonas Kortens John Thomas George Francis Lyon Constantin-François Volney dbpedia-fr:George_V dbpedia-fr:Vital_Cuinet dbpedia-fr:Louis_de_Mas_Latrie Al-Zahiri dbpedia-fr:Ernoul dbpedia-fr:Bayard_Taylor Dawson Borrer J.T. Bannister dbpedia-fr:Titus_Tobler J. Bell Forsyth Henri-François Delaborde dbpedia-fr:William_Henry_Bartlett dbpedia-fr:Francis_Rawdon_Chesney dbpedia-fr:Francis_Arundale dbpedia-fr:William_Hepworth_Dixon Alexander Wallace William Rae Wilson Louis Maurice Adolphe Linant de Bellefonds Francis B. Spilsbury Thomas Skinner dbpedia-fr:Carl_Friedrich_Zimpel William Wittman du Velay Johannes Aegidius van Egmond van der Nijenburg dbpedia-fr:Isabel_Burton dbpedia-fr:William_McClure_Thomson A.C. Inchbold Carl von Linné Alvan Bond dbpedia-fr:William_Turner_(diplomate) Paul Rohrbach J[ames] T[urner] Barlay dbpedia-fr:François-René_de_Chateaubriand G. Mariti Laura Valentine dbpedia-fr:Edward_Daniel_Clarke dbpedia-fr:Karl_May dbpedia-fr:Arthur_Penrhyn_Stanley John Kelman George Fisk Fredrik Hasselquist Henry Stebbing Sauveur Lusignan dbpedia-fr:Victor_Guérin Lady Francis Egerton Richard Pococke dbpedia-fr:Félix_Fabri van Egmont John Wilson P. J. Baldensperger dbpedia-fr:William_George_Browne dbpedia-fr:Esther_Stanhope dbpedia-fr:Jean_Louis_Burckhardt William Pringle Livingstone Johannes Heyman dbpedia-fr:George_Anson Ludwig Preiss John Heyman dbpedia-fr:James_Finn
Thietmar Menachem ben Peretz d'Hebron Liste de récits de voyage Histoire démographique de la Palestine Jean Phokas
de ar la, fr en fr la
Laurence Oliphant Charles William Meredith van de Velde Gottlieb Schumacher Charles Leonard Irby Edward Robinson Monro of Fyrish Adolf Neubauer William F. Lynch Titus Tobler Henry Baker Tristram Louis Félicien de Saulcy Ulrich Jasper Seetzen John MacGregor
Geneve Ne York Boston Londres Paris Edinburgh-Glasgow New York Dublin Berlin
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Wilson Meyer Smith Robinson Macgregor Tristram Schumacher Lynch Forder Irby Mangles le Strange Light Neubauer Seetzen Saulcy Michelant Velde, van de Tobler Oliphant Monro
344 712 560 564 544 595 579 786 771 181 174 234 230 202 47 70 418 400 389 456 301 295 265 383 372
339 178
Charles Leonard Vere John Ulrich Jasper Edward H.B. Martin Abraham Louis Félicien de Henry Laurence Henri Victor Titus Adolf Gottlieb William F. James Guy Charles William Meredith Eli C. T. Archibald
W. N. Hartshorn
Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy voyage aux pays du passé Illustrated by John Fulleylove Its Geography, History, and Destiny containing the Present Natural and Political State of Those Countries, Their Productions, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce : with Observations on the Manners, Customs, and Government of the Turks and Arabs : Illustrated Being a Sketch of the Career of Dr. D.W. Torrance of Tiberias Consisting of Views of the Most Remarkable Places Mentioned in the Old and New Testaments : from Original Sketches Taken on the Spot A Tale Illustrating Customs and Incidents in Modern Jerusalem Delineated During the Campaigns of 1799 and 1800 By Way of Egypt, Syria, and the Holy Land A Journal of Travels in the year 1838 Studies of the People and Customs of Palestine With Excursions in the Lebanon In Connection with Their History containing the state of the Turkish empire & the Crimea, during the late war with Russia. With numerous anecdotes, facts, & observations, on the manners & customs of the Turks & Tartars during the years 1799, 1800, and 1801, in company with the Turkish army, and the British military mission : to which are annexed, observations on the plague, and on the diseases prevalent in Turkey, and a meteorological journal Or, The Holy Land zunächst kritische Uebersicht gedruckter und ungedruckter Beschreibungen der Reisen ins Heilige Land et descriptions ... Comprising the Narratives of Arculf, Willibald, Bernard, Saewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Maundeville, De la Brocquière, and Maundrell late missionary to Palestine pictorial and descriptive Comprising Her Opinions and Anecdotes of Some of the Most Remarkable Persons of Her Time Visited and Described in an Extensive Journey Undertaken with Special Reference to the Promotion of Biblical Research and the Advancement of the Cause of Philanthropy Or, Scenes of Sacred History, Historical and Descriptive A Narrative of Oriental Travel Containing Observations in Natural History, Physick, Agriculture, and Commerce, Particularly on the Holy Land, and the Natural History of the Scriptures Accompanied by Geographical Notices of Soudan, and of the Course of the Niger. With a Chart of the Routes, and a Variety of Coloured Plates, Illustrative of the Costumes of the Several Natives of Northern Africa to which are added, A short account of the present state of the Christians who are subjects to the Turkish government, and the journal of a gentleman who travelled from Aleppo to Bassora A Journal of Travels in the year 1852 & c. giving a particular account of the most remarkable places compiled by R. Walter Or, Biblical Illustrations Drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery, of the Holy Land Or, Three Years in Jerusalem géographie administrative, statistique, descriptive et raisonnée Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mount Sinai, &c. Written During a Recent Tour Through Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, the Holy Land, Syria, and Greece Edited and Compiled by His Widow E. A. Finn. With a Preface by the Viscountess Strangford he Lebanon, Baalbek, Galilee, and Judaea. With 40 full-page coloured plates and 8 black-and-white drawings by Stanley Inchbold From My Private Journal The Harleian Miscellany, Or A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, as Well in Ms. as in Print, Found in the Earl of Oxford's Library: Interspersed with Historical, Critical and Political Notes A Narrative of Two Years' Residence in Jerusalem and Palestine
The People of Palestine The Holy Land Journal of a tour in the Holy Land, in May and June 1840 Ventures among the Arabs in desert, tent and town; thirteen years of pioneer missionary life with the Ishma-elites of Moab, Edom and Arabia Narrative of the Euphrates expedition : carried on by order of the British government during the years 1835, 1836, and 1837 Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, Syria, and across the desert into Egypt Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary During the Years 1806 and 1807 Biblical Researches in Palestine and adjacent regions : A Journal of Travels in the years 1838 and 1852, 2nd edition Stirring Times, or, Records from Jerusalem Consular Chronicles of 1853 to 1856 Narrative of a journey round the Dead Sea, and in the Bible lands, in 1850 and 1851 Voyages and Travels in the Levant in the Years 1749, 50, 51, 52 Landscape Illustrations of the Bible Byeways in Palestine Chartes de Terre Sainte provenant de l'Abbaye de N. D. de Josaphat A description of the East, and some other countries Memoir of the Rev. Pliny Fisk, A.M. Jerusalem revisited The Holy Places Land of Israel, A Journal of travel in Palestine, undertaken with special reference to its physical character Travel Tales in the Promised Land Under the Syrian sun A Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa, in the Years 1818, 19, and 20 History of the city of Gaza : from the earliest times to the present day The Desert and the Holy Land Travels in Syria and the Holy Land Dr. Titus Toblers zwei Bucher Topographie von Jerusalem und seinen Umgebungen Early Travels in Palestine Perceptions of Palestine The Lands of the Bible Travels through part of Europe, Asia Minor, the islands of the archipelago, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mount Sinai, Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea The Lands of the Saracen Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily, and Spain Kitb zubdat kashf al-mamlik wa bayn al-uruq wa-al-maslik Across the Jordan : being an exploration and survey of part of Hauran and Jaulan Travels Through Syria and Egypt, in the Years 1783, 1784, and 1785 Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land A Galilee Doctor The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia The Immovable East Later Biblical Researches in Palestine and adjacent regions The cruise of Her Majesty's ship "Bacchante", 1879-1882 A summer ramble in Syria, with a Tartar trip from Aleppo to Stamboul Strassen-verbindung des Mittelländischen mit dem Todten Meere und Damascus über Jerusalem mit Heranziehung von Bethelehem, Hebron, Tiberias, Nazareth etc.... Palestine past and present Travels of Two English Pilgrims Journal of a Tour in the Levant A history of the revolt of Ali Bey, against the Ottoman Porte : including an account of the form of government of Egypt : together with a description of Grand Cairo and of several celebrated places in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria Reise nach dem Weiland gelobten, nun aber seit Siebenzehn hundert Jahren unter dem Fluche liegenden Lande : Wie, auch nach Egkypten, dem Berg Libanon, Syrien und Mesopotamien La géographie du Talmud : mémoire couronné par l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres Cartulaire des Hospitaliers A Few Months in the East : Or, A Glimpse of the Red, the Dead, and the Black Seas Travels Through Cyprus, Syria, and Palestine; with a General History of the Levant. The Land and the Book Fratris Felicis Fabri Evagatorium in Terrae sanctae, Arabiae et Aegypti peregrinationem The City of the Great King : Or, Jerusalem as it Was, as it Is, and as it is to be Picturesque Scenery in the Holy Land and Syria Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt Lands of the Moslem Travels in Palestine through the countries of Bashan and Gilead, east of the River Jordan, including a visit to the cities of Geraza and Gamala in the Decapolis Memoirs of Baron de Tott Wanderings over Bible lands and seas. By the author of the "Schönberg-Cotta family" Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land Sinai and Palestine The Christian in Palestine Adventures During a Journey Overland to India Travels in Egypt and Palestine Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and Asia Minor; during the years 1817 & 1818 Hadji in Syria Haifa, or Life in Modern Palestine A pastor's memorial of Egypt, the Red Sea, the wildernesses of Sin and Paran, Mount Sinai, Jerusalem, and other principal localities of the Holy Land visited in 1842 A Brief Account of the Countries Adjoining the Lake of Tiberias, the Jordan, and the Dead Sea Itinéraires a Jérusalem et descriptions de la Terre Sainte Narrative of a Tour Through Some Parts of the Turkish Empire A voyage round the world, in the years 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44 Survey of the Holy Land Peasant Life in the Holy Land Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa The Land of Gilead Description géographique, historique et archéologique de la Palestine. Judee Syrie, Liban et Palestine Illustrations of Jerusalem and Mount Sinai : Including the Most Interesting Sites Between Grand Cairo and Beirout Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria From the year 1792 to 1798 A visit to Jerusalem and the holy places adjacent Letters from the East Palestine and Transjordania A Journey from Naples to Jerusalem, by Way of Athens, Egypt, and the Peninsula of Sinai, Including a Trip to the Valley of Fayoum Palestine, Or, the Holy Land Home in the Holy Land Travels among the Arab Tribes Inhabiting the Countries East of Syria and Palestine Travels Through Part of Europe, Asia Minor, the Islands of the Archipelago Chronique d'Ernoul et de Bernard le Trésorier Narrative of a journey through Syria and Palestine in 1851 and 1852 Bibliographia geographica Palaestinae Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land The Rob Roy on the Jordan : Nile, Red Sea, & Gennesareth, Etc. : a Canoe Cruise in Palestine and Egypt and the Waters of Damascus Ulrich Jasper Seetzen's Reisen durch Syrien, Palästina, Phönicien, die Transjordan-länder, Arabia Petraea und Unter-Aegypten Syrie, Palestine, Mont Athos Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Libanon and Cyprus, in the year 1814
Demographic history of Palestine List of travel books Thietmar Menachem ben Peretz of Hebron John Phokas
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sumptibus Societatis litterariae Stuttgardiensis dbpedia-fr:D._Appleton_&_Company D. Appleton Rodwell and Martin Whiting and Watson J.B. Lippincott Macmillan and co. L. Davis and C. Reymers dbpedia-fr:John_Murray_(publishing_house) dbpedia-fr:John_Murray_(maison_d'édition) Longmans, Green, and co. Imprimerie Jules-Guillaume Fick Palestine Association of London G.G.J. & J. Robinson William Blackwood and son G. Virtue C.K. Paul & co. dbpedia-fr:Society_for_Promoting_Christian_Knowledge dbpedia-fr:E._P._Dutton Henry G. Bohn R. Bentley dbpedia-fr:Hodder_&_Stoughton Printed for Private Distribution by T. White & Co. A. Picard Richard Bentley J. Challen and sons G. Reimer H.L. Brönner dbpedia-fr:Crocker_&_Brewster James Humphreys E. Leroux Harper & Brothers Robert Carter and brothers A. & C. Black Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown Albert Fontemoing Verlag nicht ermittelbar Bentley dbpedia-fr:Macmillan_Publishers William Oliphant Oliver and Boyd Redfield Univ. of California Press dbpedia-fr:Columbia_University_Press G. P. Putnam Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown T. Osborne J. Lovell dbpedia-fr:Michel_Lévy_frères Howlett & Brimmer H. Colburn James Nisbet Hurst and Blackett Adam Matthew Publications Crocker and Brewster William Whyte Hutchinson
Les récits de voyage en Palestine sont des descriptions écrites de la région de la Palestine, ou de la Terre sainte, par les voyageurs, en particulier avant le XXe siècle. Ces ouvrages sont des sources importantes pour l'étude de l'histoire de la Palestine et de l'histoire d'Israël. Des études de la littérature géographique sur la Palestine ont été publiées par Edward Robinson, en 1841, Titus Tobler, en 1867 et, plus tard, par Reinhold Röhricht en 1890. Röhricht a catalogué 177 ouvrages, datés entre 333 et 1300 av. J.-C., 19 ouvrages du XIVe siècle, 279 ouvrages du XVe siècle, 333 ouvrages du XVIe siècle, 390 ouvrages du XVIIe siècle, 318 ouvrages du XVIIIe siècle et 1 915 ouvrages du XIXe siècle. Au total, ce sont plus de 3 000 livres et autres documents détaillant les récits des voyages de pélerins principalement européens et nord-américains en Palestine ottomane. Le nombre de récits de voyage publiés a proliféré au cours du XIXe siècle, et les impressions de ces voyageurs sur la Palestine du XIXe siècle ont souvent été citées dans l'histoire et l'historiographie de la région, bien que leur exactitude et leur impartialité aient été remises en question à l'époque moderne.