- --09-09
- 2005.0
- 1981.0
- ;
* 2012, Le Prix de l’inégalité, Les liens qui libèrent, 2012 ; édition originale : (fr)
- , mai 2005 ;
* 2006, Un autre monde : contre le fanatisme du marché, Fayard, 2006 , édition originale : '' (fr)
- * De nombreux articles de Stiglitz
* De nombreux articles de Stiglitz (fr)
- '' avec Andrew Charlton, (fr)
- '' de Jozef Ritzen, (fr)
- , avec ;
* 1996 (fr)
- * Quelques articles de Stiglitz classés selon les thématiques
* A Note on Technical Choice Under Full Employment in a Socialist Economy, 1968, EJ
* Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping, 1974
* "Output, Employment, and Wages in the Short Run" with R.M. Solow, 1968, QJE
* "The Effects of Income, Wealth, and Capital Gains Taxation on Risk-Taking", 1969, QJE
* "Capital Gains, Income, and Saving" with K. Shell and M. Sidrauski, 1969, RES
* "A Re-Examination of the Modigliani–Miller Theorem", 1969, REStat
* "Allocation of Heterogeneous Capital Goods in a Two-Sector Economy", 1969, IER
* "Rural–Urban Migration, Surplus Labour, and the Relationship Between Urban and Rural Wages", 1969, Eastern Africa ER
* "Behavior Towards Risk with Many Commodities", 1969, Econometrica
* "Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals", 1969, Econometrica
* The Implications of Alternative Saving and Expectations Hypotheses for Choices of Technique and Patterns of Growth" with D. Cass, 1969, JPE
* "The Structure of Investor Preferences and Asset Returns and Separability in Portfolio Allocation", with D. Cass, 1970, JET
* "A Consumption-Oriented Theory of the Demand for Financial Assets and the Term Structure of Interest Rates", 1970, RES.
* "Non-Substitution Theorems with Durable Capital Goods", 1970, RES
* "Factor Price Equalization in a Dynamic Economy", 1970, JPE
* "Increasing Risk I: A definition", with M. Rothschild, 1970, JET.
* "Increasing Risk II: Its economic consequences", with M. Rothschild, 1971, JET.
* "Differential Taxation, Public Goods, and Economic Efficiency", with P.S. Dasgupta, 1971, RES
* "On the Optimality of the Stock Market Allocation of Investment", 1972, QJE
* "Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Corporate Finance: Bankruptcies and Take-overs", 1972, Bell JE
* "The Structure of Indirect Taxation and Economic Efficiency" with A.B. Atkinson, 1972, JPubE
* "Some Further Results on the Measurement of Inequality" with M. Rothschild, 1973, JET.
* "Approaches to the Economics of Discrimination", 1973, AER
* "Risk Aversion and Wealth Effects on Portfolios with Many Assets", with D. Cass, 1973, RES
* Increases in Risk and Risk-Aversion" with P.A.Diamond, 1974, JET
* "Benefit-Cost Analysis and Trade Policies", with P.S. Dasgupta, 1974, JPE
* The Cambridge–Cambridge Controversy in the Theory of Capital: A View from New Haven", 1974 (fr)
- , Wicksell Lectures, MIT Press ;
* 1999 Principes d’économie moderne, De Boeck, 1999, 2004 ;
* 2002, La grande désillusion Paris, Plon ; titre original (fr)
- , traduit en français sous le titre La Grande Fracture.
* 2016, The Euro. How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe, W. W. Norton & Company, 448 pages,
* 2019, Peuple, pouvoir et profits'', éditions Les Liens qui libèrent, 416 pages (fr)
- ;
* 2005, avant-propos du livre '' (fr)
- ;
* 2002, (fr)
- , commentaires de Ha-Joon Chang, Anthem Press ;
* 2002, (fr)
- ouvrage collectif avec le Sous-commandant Marcos, Atilio Boron et al.'', (fr)
- , W. W. Norton & Company, septembre 2006 ;
* 2007, avec : Une guerre à 3000 milliards de dollars ; édition originale : (fr)
- .
* 2015, The great divide: unequal societies and what we can do about them. , 2015 ; édition originale : (fr)
- ;
* 2010, Le Triomphe de la cupidité, Les liens qui libèrent, 2010 ; édition originale : (fr)