"Reinders"@fr . "Xia"@fr . "Condit"@fr . "Seongbeom"@fr . "Michael"@fr . "Giambastiani"@fr . . "Zhuravlev"@fr . "22"^^ . "43"^^ . "46"^^ . "Mianxiong"@fr . "SIGDA"@fr . "James"@fr . "Thinking Parallel"@fr . "Michael B."@fr . "Harold W."@fr . "Young Jin"@fr . "D\u00F6mer"@fr . "45632"^^ . "chen"@fr . "Kang"@fr . . "Marin"@fr . "Mao"@fr . "Manuela"@fr . "Meier"@fr . "Philipp"@fr . "Why Events Are A Bad Idea ?"@fr . "Intel Corp, Microprocessor Technology Lab"@fr . "Zheng"@fr . "Un microprocesseur multi-c\u0153ur (multi-core en anglais) est un processeur poss\u00E9dant plusieurs c\u0153urs physiques. Depuis l\u2019arriv\u00E9e des premiers microprocesseurs double c\u0153urs en 2005, le nombre de c\u0153urs ne cesse d\u2019augmenter dans l\u2019objectif d\u2019am\u00E9liorer toujours plus la puissance des ordinateurs.On observe cependant un certain nombre de probl\u00E8mes dus \u00E0 l\u2019augmentation du nombre de c\u0153urs, et cette simple am\u00E9lioration technique ne suffit parfois pas \u00E0 am\u00E9liorer de fa\u00E7on significative les performances d\u2019un ordinateur."@fr . "Your computer is already a distributed system. Why isn\u2019t your OS?"@fr . "Barrientos"@fr . "Chen"@fr . "1063"^^ . "Scott"@fr . "Lex"@fr . "Siddhartha"@fr . . "ousterhout"@fr . "Kim"@fr . . . "Chandra"@fr . "gelsinger"@fr . . . "d\u00E9cembre"@fr . . "Gelsinger"@fr . "Roscoe"@fr . . "Alexandra"@fr . "Gil-Costa"@fr . . . "M."@fr . "O'Reilly"@fr . . "Pesterev"@fr . . "Jingling"@fr . . . "Barbara"@fr . . "Design Automation Conference , 2010 15th Asia and South Pacific"@fr . . "Eric"@fr . "A fault-tolerant structure for reliable multi-core systems based on hardware-software co-design"@fr . "Thousand Core Chips\u2014A Technology Perspective"@fr . "Boyd-Wickizer"@fr . "healy"@fr . "Carolina"@fr . "Ricardo J."@fr . . "Emanuele"@fr . . "Hsien-Hsin S."@fr . "Hohlt"@fr . . "Blundell"@fr . "463"^^ . . "Thermal Analysis for 3D Multi-core Processors with Dynamic Frequency Scaling"@fr . "Adrian"@fr . "cho"@fr . "Peter"@fr . "Hui"@fr . "Corey: An Operating System for Many Cores"@fr . "Brewer"@fr . "Maged M."@fr . "Klar"@fr . . "Hahn"@fr . "Corey"@fr . "Dhruba"@fr . "Poe"@fr . "Yuehua"@fr . "Isaacst"@fr . "Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing , 2010 18th Euromicro International Conference on"@fr . "Aleksey"@fr . "Akhilesh"@fr . "Accurate, scalable and informative design space exploration for large and sophisticated multi-core oriented architectures"@fr . . "Jayaseelan"@fr . "De"@fr . "T."@fr . "Huakang"@fr . "Thermal optimization in multi-granularity multi-core floorplanning"@fr . . . "Paolo"@fr . "Reinders"@fr . "Frans"@fr . "Yang"@fr . "Li"@fr . "Wellein"@fr . "Lee"@fr . . "Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2009. MASCOTS '09. IEEE International Symposium on"@fr . "Hu"@fr . "Quality Electronic Design , 2010 11th International Symposium on"@fr . "978"^^ . "Morris"@fr . "Samor\u00EC"@fr . "Solihin"@fr . "Zheng"@fr . "Charlie Chung Ping"@fr . "Ota"@fr . "Zeng"@fr . . "Stefanie"@fr . "Technology and Design Challenges for Low Power and High Performance"@fr . "septembre"@fr . "Parallel Processing Workshops , 2010 39th International Conference on"@fr . . . "Rob"@fr . "Palermo"@fr . "Barhamt"@fr . "Byeong-seok"@fr . "Guo"@fr . "Un microprocesseur multi-c\u0153ur (multi-core en anglais) est un processeur poss\u00E9dant plusieurs c\u0153urs physiques. Depuis l\u2019arriv\u00E9e des premiers microprocesseurs double c\u0153urs en 2005, le nombre de c\u0153urs ne cesse d\u2019augmenter dans l\u2019objectif d\u2019am\u00E9liorer toujours plus la puissance des ordinateurs.On observe cependant un certain nombre de probl\u00E8mes dus \u00E0 l\u2019augmentation du nombre de c\u0153urs, et cette simple am\u00E9lioration technique ne suffit parfois pas \u00E0 am\u00E9liorer de fa\u00E7on significative les performances d\u2019un ordinateur. D\u2019un point de vue technologique, les constructeurs semblent \u00EAtre arriv\u00E9s devant un mur de fr\u00E9quence. L\u2019am\u00E9lioration des performances passe donc aujourd\u2019hui par d\u2019autres \u00E9volutions technologiques et, parmi elles, l\u2019augmentation du nombre de c\u0153urs. Cela am\u00E8ne \u00E0 de nouveaux d\u00E9fis technologiques tels que la gestion des ressources pour alimenter tous les c\u0153urs ou comment r\u00E9ussir \u00E0 augmenter le nombre de c\u0153urs sur une m\u00EAme puce avec des contraintes telles que gestion de la place, de la chaleur... Ces d\u00E9fis techniques ne suffisent pourtant pas \u00E0 augmenter de fa\u00E7on significative les performances. Pour pouvoir en tirer profit, ce mat\u00E9riel doit pouvoir \u00EAtre pris en compte par les diff\u00E9rents syst\u00E8mes d\u2019exploitation. Or, \u00E0 l\u2019heure actuelle, ces derniers n\u2019arrivent pas \u00E0 exploiter 100 % des possibilit\u00E9s."@fr . "en"@fr . "Blagodurov"@fr . "Oct."@fr . "Giuliano"@fr . "Treossi"@fr . "Chandra"@fr . "ao\u00FBt"@fr . . "Jeremy"@fr . "Silas"@fr . "Architecture and performance of multi-/many core systems"@fr . "Kaoru"@fr . "Ming"@fr . "Chiras"@fr . "Cheol Hong"@fr . "zheng"@fr . "domer"@fr . "Zeiser"@fr . "Addressing Shared Resource Contention in Multicore Processors via Scheduling"@fr . "Rong"@fr . "Cain"@fr . . "Shekhar"@fr . "5129434"^^ . "Luca"@fr . "von Behren"@fr . "1996"^^ . "Borkar"@fr . "oh"@fr . "Microprocessors for the new millennium: Challenges, opportunities, and new frontiers"@fr . . "Min"@fr . "Qiao"@fr . . "kadin"@fr . "Tong"@fr . "gilcosta"@fr . . "959"^^ . "Tao"@fr . "Intel threading building blocks"@fr . "HPCA \u201905: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture"@fr . "P.P."@fr . "Kadin"@fr . "Wang"@fr . "Yang"@fr . "Dong"@fr . "Bingbing"@fr . "Dongkeun"@fr . "713"^^ . "Dai"@fr . "Yuan"@fr . . "Haibo"@fr . "Sch\u00FCpbach"@fr . "Wu"@fr . "Cho"@fr . "Casiraghi"@fr . "Vivek"@fr . "melucci"@fr . "Nam Sung"@fr . "de"@fr . "Exploring the Limits of Tag Reduction for Energy Saving on a Multi-core Processor"@fr . "175678719"^^ . "Healy"@fr . . "Seung Gu"@fr . "Cascaval"@fr . "Morandi"@fr . . "303"^^ . "Fei"@fr . "Simon"@fr . "IEEE Micro"@fr . "janvier"@fr . "Loh"@fr . "Jeong-A"@fr . "xia"@fr . "Oh"@fr . "314"^^ . "Mitra"@fr . "ASPLOS'10"@fr . "Borkar"@fr . . "Ousterhout"@fr . . . "A hybrid local-global approach for multi-core thermal management"@fr . . "Optimisation des performances des architectures multi-c\u0153urs"@fr . . . . . "Cinzia"@fr . . . . "Baumann"@fr . "Using OS Obsercations to improve perfomance in multicore systems"@fr . "Predicting Inter-Thread Cache Contention on a Chip Multi-Processor Architecture"@fr . . . . "1948"^^ . "J. Mater. Chem."@fr . "Kaashoek"@fr . "Runtime temperature-based power estimation for optimizing throughput of thermal-constrained multi-core processors"@fr . "Bonacic"@fr . "Software transactional memory: Why is it only a research toy ?"@fr . "vonbehren"@fr . "Yandong"@fr . "jayaseelan"@fr . . . "Azadeh"@fr . . "Chang-Burm"@fr . "1530"^^ . "22"^^ . "Long"@fr . "Yan"@fr . "Huazhong"@fr . "18"^^ . "Gabriel H."@fr . "19"^^ . "wellein"@fr . "28"^^ . "Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2001. Digest of Technical Papers. ISSCC. 2001 IEEE International"@fr . "30"^^ . "Paul"@fr . "25"^^ . "593"^^ . "27"^^ . "Minyi"@fr . "zhuravlev"@fr . "Veronica"@fr . "7"^^ . "pdf"@fr . "12"^^ . . "Facile covalent functionalization of graphene oxide using microwaves: bottom-up development of functional graphitic materials"@fr . "15"^^ . "0"^^ . "Brett"@fr . "John"@fr . "11"^^ . . "Melucci"@fr . "Chatterjee"@fr . "Davoodi"@fr . "Reda"@fr . "Rebecca"@fr . "Vincenzo"@fr . "octobre"@fr . "R."@fr . "Why threads are a bad idea ?"@fr . "ASIM \u2013 Workshop \u2013 Erlangen"@fr . "avril"@fr . "187"^^ . "G."@fr . "Zhang"@fr . "Knauerhase"@fr . "Mauricio"@fr . "191"^^ . "Colin"@fr . "cascaval"@fr . . "S."@fr . "USENIX Association"@fr . "2002"^^ . "Vittorio"@fr . "2003"^^ . "Robert"@fr . "park"@fr . . "2007"^^ . "2005"^^ . "2010"^^ . "Computer-aided recoding for multi-core systems"@fr . "2008"^^ . "2009"^^ . "8"^^ . "69"^^ . "Fedorova"@fr . "mai"@fr . "Ortolani"@fr . "Computer-Aided Design - Digest of Technical Papers, 2009. ICCAD 2009. IEEE/ACM International Conference on"@fr . "Park"@fr . "Rainer"@fr . "Computer Design, 2008. ICCD 2008. IEEE International Conference on"@fr . "1999"^^ . "Andrew"@fr . . "1996"^^ . "Design Automation Conference, 2009. ASP-DAC 2009. Asia and South Pacific"@fr . "ACM Queue 6. n\u00B05"@fr . "104"^^ . "workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems"@fr . "Baumann"@fr . "Timothy"@fr . "Stein"@fr . "Sung Kyu"@fr . "Gerhard"@fr . "Peng"@fr . "Calin"@fr . "Lim"@fr . "Frequency and voltage planning for multi-core processors under thermal constraints"@fr . "Singhania"@fr . "Computer and Information Science , 2010 IEEE/ACIS 9th International Conference on"@fr . "Yu Hen"@fr . . "Scheduling Metric-Space Queries Processing on Multi-Core Processors"@fr . "Song"@fr . "f\u00E9vrier"@fr . "Sergey"@fr . "Hager"@fr . "1"^^ .