"Rose Cottage"@fr . "Notre Dame des orages"@fr . . "Les L\u00E9vriers du s\u00E9rail"@fr . "Touch Not the Cat"@fr . "Presses de la Cit\u00E9" . "1973"^^ . "Reader's Digest" . "Feu sauvage \u00E0 minuit"@fr . "The Ivy Tree"@fr . "1958"^^ . "The Wind Off the Small Isles"@fr . "1957"^^ . "Reader's Digest," . "Les Collines aux mille grottes"@fr . "Ynnis" . "Wildfire at Midnight"@fr . "1995"^^ . "Ne touchez point au chat"@fr . "The Prince and the Pilgrim"@fr . "1990"^^ . "La Grotte de cristal"@fr . "1988"^^ . "A Walk in Wolf Wood"@fr . "The Moon-Spinners"@fr . "Thornyhold"@fr . . "1979"^^ . "L'Autre Annabel"@fr . . "1968"^^ . "My Brother Michael"@fr . "1967"^^ . "Nous Deux" . "L'\u00C9talon blanc"@fr . "The Hollow Hills"@fr . "1964"^^ . "Le Balai magique : Mary et la Fleur de la sorci\u00E8re"@fr . "The Crystal Cave"@fr . "Les Fileuses de lune"@fr . "Nine Coaches Waiting"@fr . "Stormy Petrel"@fr . "1997"^^ . "La Ronceraie"@fr . . "1962"^^ . "L'Oiseau de malheur"@fr . . "La Citadelle de lumi\u00E8re"@fr . "Les Neuf Carosses"@fr . "Madam, Will You Talk ?"@fr . "Ludo and the Star Horse"@fr . . "1970"^^ . "1974"^^ . "Frost on the Window and other poems"@fr . "Del Duca Paris" . "Le Dernier Enchantement"@fr . . "1983"^^ . "The Wicked Day"@fr . "Calmann-L\u00E9vy" . "1955"^^ . "1971"^^ . "1991"^^ . "Temp\u00EAte sur Corfou"@fr . "The Gabriel Hounds"@fr . "Airs Above the Ground"@fr . "1976"^^ . "1965"^^ . "1959"^^ . "The Little Broomstick"@fr . "Thunder on the Right"@fr . "The Last Enchantment"@fr . "1961"^^ . "Plon" . "N'attendez plus Richard"@fr . "Le Vent du destin"@fr . "1980"^^ . "This Rough Magic"@fr . "1956"^^ .