. . "191378854"^^ . "Sherrie L."@fr . "Fisher"@fr . "Bruce O."@fr . "S1"@fr . "905"^^ . . "Viol pendant la guerre civile au Sierra Leone"@fr . "Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights"@fr . "2016"^^ . "Elizabeth D. Heineman"@fr . . "Sexual Violence during War and Forced Migration"@fr . "Schott"@fr . . "MacKinnon"@fr . . . "Samuel Totten"@fr . "Lexington"@fr . . "978"^^ . . . "279"^^ . "Smith"@fr . . . "Raphaelle Branche"@fr . . "24111"^^ . "Fielding"@fr . . . . "Reprint"@fr . "Beverly"@fr . . "Genocide Studies and Prevention"@fr . "Douglas & McIntyre"@fr . . . "NK4BX4s7J9U"@fr . . "Anne-Marie"@fr . . . . . . "Yasmin"@fr . . "Bisaz"@fr . "Brookings Institution"@fr . . "Rape during the Congo civil wars"@fr . "10.108"^^ . "Ortbals"@fr . "Dictionary of Genocide"@fr . "Najib"@fr . "Greenwood"@fr . . "Le viol en tant qu'arme de g\u00E9nocide est la pratique de viols massifs et de viols collectifs perp\u00E9tr\u00E9s contre les membres du groupe vis\u00E9 dans une intention de g\u00E9nocide. Ces crimes, en tant que partie int\u00E9grante du processus g\u00E9nocidaire, ont particip\u00E9 \u00E0 d\u00E9finir le viol comme une arme de g\u00E9nocide. M\u00EAme si les viols de guerre sont r\u00E9currents dans l'histoire des conflits humains, ils sont souvent consid\u00E9r\u00E9s comme un \u00AB dommage collat\u00E9ral \u00BB au lieu d'\u00EAtre analys\u00E9s comme un \u00E9l\u00E9ment constitutif de la strat\u00E9gie militaire. Les viols en tant qu'arme d'un g\u00E9nocide se sont produits au cours du massacre de Nankin, de la Shoah, de la guerre de lib\u00E9ration du Bangladesh, des guerres de Yougoslavie, du g\u00E9nocide des Tutsi au Rwanda, du g\u00E9nocide des Y\u00E9zidis, de la guerre civile sud-soudanaise, du g\u00E9nocide des Rohingya et du g\u00E9nocide des Ou\u00EFghours. Certains auteurs classent dans les viols en tant que g\u00E9nocide les agressions sexuelles commises contre les femmes lors de la partition des Indes."@fr . "Ruby Reid-Cunningham"@fr . "Political Islam: Inclusion or violence?"@fr . "Sally A. Bermanzohn"@fr . "Jones"@fr . "2"^^ . "Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction"@fr . "3"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "1975"^^ . "5"^^ . "Female G\u00E9nocidaires: What was the Nature and Motivations for Hutu Female"@fr . "22"^^ . "Lisa"@fr . "Anne-Marie De Brouwer, Sandra Ka Hon Chu"@fr . . "10.3138"^^ . "Deadly Embrace: Pakistan, America, and the Future of the Global Jihad"@fr . "Rothe"@fr . "Laura"@fr . "Gender and Genocide"@fr . . "2002"^^ . . "2003"^^ . . "2000"^^ . "Tazreena"@fr . "2006"^^ . "2007"^^ . "2004"^^ . "2005"^^ . "200"^^ . "2010"^^ . "Duke Law Journal"@fr . "2011"^^ . "2008"^^ . "2009"^^ . "46"^^ . "Siobh\u00E1n K."@fr . "Ihrig"@fr . "2012"^^ . "2013"^^ . "--12-29"^^ . "Introduction"@fr . "219"^^ . . . . "University of Pennsylvania Press"@fr . "Dawn"@fr . . "1996"^^ . "1997"^^ . "Violence and Politics: Globalization's Paradox"@fr . "Smith-Spark"@fr . "Palgrave Macmillan"@fr . "173"^^ . "GRIN Verlag"@fr . . "Rwanda, Struggling to Survive: Barriers to Justice for Rape Victims in Rwanda"@fr . "2012-12-07"^^ . . "Martinus Nijhoff"@fr . . "176"^^ . "Riedel"@fr . "Adam"@fr . "State Criminality: The Crime of All Crimes"@fr . "Miller"@fr . . "War rape, natality and genocide"@fr . . "Corsin"@fr . "Leila"@fr . "Rape as a Weapon of War and Genocide"@fr . "1372967"^^ . "Fabrice Virgili"@fr . "Elisa Von"@fr . "Jennifer"@fr . . "152"^^ . . . . "Women, Migration, and Conflict: Breaking a Deadly Cycle"@fr . "De Brouwer"@fr . "Routledge"@fr . . "Cambridge University Press"@fr . . . "Oxford University Press"@fr . . . "Bartrop"@fr . "Rape as a weapon of war"@fr . "Genocide Rape Is Different Than War Rape"@fr . . "Eftekhari"@fr . "Nayanika"@fr . . . "The Paradox of Genocidal Rape Aimed at Enforced Pregnancy"@fr . . "Mass rape and the inscription of gendered and racial domination during the Bangladesh War of 1971"@fr . . "89"^^ . . . "91"^^ . "Andrea Veltman, Kathryn Norlock"@fr . "Viol pendant le g\u00E9nocide au Darfour"@fr . "Askin"@fr . "Hani"@fr . "82"^^ . . "Rape during the Darfur genocide"@fr . . "Occupation of the Womb: Forced Impregnation as Genocide"@fr . "Arne Johan"@fr . "Journal of Genocide Research"@fr . . "Plight and Fate of Women During and Following Genocide"@fr . "British Broadcasting Corporation"@fr . "Claudia"@fr . "Joeden-Forgey"@fr . . . . . "Human Rights Watch"@fr . "53"^^ . "Joyce Apsel, Ernesto Verdeja"@fr . . "Roger W."@fr . . "en"@fr . "The Concept of Group Rights in International Law: Groups as Contested Right-Holders, Subjects and Legal Persons"@fr . "Mowafi"@fr . "War as history, humanity in violence: Women, men and memories of 1971, East Pakistan/Bangladesh"@fr . "War Crimes Against Women: Prosecution in International War Crimes Tribunals"@fr . . "Harvard University Press"@fr . . "Bartels"@fr . . . "5"^^ . . . "Rape in Wartime"@fr . "Donald Bloxham, A. Dirk Moses"@fr . "Atrocity, Harm, and resistance"@fr . "Genocide Matters: Ongoing Issues and Emerging Perspectives"@fr . . "Stefan"@fr . "Lori"@fr . . "des crimes"@fr . "Kelly Dawn"@fr . . . "Sarah Clark"@fr . . "Russell-Brown"@fr . . "\u79CD\u65CF\u706D\u7EDD\u5F0F\u5F3A\u5978"@zh . "The ICC\u2019s First \u2018Forced Pregnancy\u2019 Case in Historical Perspective"@fr . . . "Transaction"@fr . "Sierra Leone"@fr . "Paul R."@fr . "Evil and Human Agency: Understanding Collective Evildoing"@fr . . "Rosemary Grey"@fr . . . "The Southern Journal of Philosophy"@fr . "Berkeley Journal of International Law"@fr . . "Mark Ungar"@fr . "8"^^ . . "Rape as Genocide: Bangladesh, the Former Yugoslavia, and Rwanda"@fr . "Totten"@fr . "How did rape become a weapon of war?"@fr . . "Samuel"@fr . "10.2307"^^ . . "Poloni-Staudinger"@fr . "Martinus Nijhoff Publishers"@fr . "Allison"@fr . . "Viol en tant qu'arme de g\u00E9nocide"@fr . "14254358"^^ . . . . . . . "Rape as a Weapon of Genocide"@fr . . . "2021-07-19"^^ . "Kent Worcester"@fr . . "Terrorism and Violent Conflict: Women's Agency, Leadership, and Responses"@fr . . "1"^^ . "3"^^ . "New Political Science"@fr . "Justifying Genocide: Germany and the Armenians from Bismark to Hitler"@fr . "Card"@fr . . . "Candice D."@fr . "13"^^ . . "15"^^ . "University of Minnesota Press"@fr . "Robin May"@fr . "21"^^ . "Sharlach"@fr . "The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies"@fr . "Rape as an Act of Genocide"@fr . "Shiva"@fr . . "Ghadbian"@fr . "Springer"@fr . "Catherine A."@fr . . "Susan Forbes Martin, John Tirman"@fr . "Saikia"@fr . . "Les violences sexuelles et le triomphe de la justice"@fr . "Journal of International Criminal Justice"@fr . "Congo"@fr . "http://clg.portalxm.com/library/keytext.cfm?keytext_id=181|journal=Center on Law & Globalization"@fr . "Mookherjee"@fr . "Genocide and the Politics of Rape"@fr . "The Post-Genocidal Period and its Impact on Women"@fr . "46"^^ . . "Le viol en tant qu'arme de g\u00E9nocide est la pratique de viols massifs et de viols collectifs perp\u00E9tr\u00E9s contre les membres du groupe vis\u00E9 dans une intention de g\u00E9nocide. Ces crimes, en tant que partie int\u00E9grante du processus g\u00E9nocidaire, ont particip\u00E9 \u00E0 d\u00E9finir le viol comme une arme de g\u00E9nocide. M\u00EAme si les viols de guerre sont r\u00E9currents dans l'histoire des conflits humains, ils sont souvent consid\u00E9r\u00E9s comme un \u00AB dommage collat\u00E9ral \u00BB au lieu d'\u00EAtre analys\u00E9s comme un \u00E9l\u00E9ment constitutif de la strat\u00E9gie militaire."@fr . . "Sajjad"@fr . "Brownmiller"@fr . . "Simon & Schuster"@fr . "Rape Warfare: The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia"@fr . "Susan"@fr . "Evil, Political Violence, and Forgiveness: Essays in Honor of Claudia Card"@fr . "Viol pendant les guerres civiles du Congo"@fr . "registration"@fr . "Leaning"@fr . . "Rape during the Sierra Leone Civil War"@fr . . . . . . . "Allen"@fr . . "The Men Who Killed Me: Rwandan Survivors of Sexual Violence"@fr . . . . "10.1111"^^ . "d\u00E9cembre 2017"@fr . . . "Vetlesen"@fr . . "2008"^^ . . "2011"^^ . . . . .