. . "217"^^ . . "219"^^ . "Pollack"@fr . "ao\u00FBt"@fr . "H."@fr . "B\u00E2le"@fr . . . . . . "Wiet"@fr . . "R.J."@fr . "Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry"@fr . . "Effects of nicotine upon cortical and subcortical electrical activity of the rabbit brain. Quantitative analysis"@fr . . "Archives of Experimental Medicine and Biology"@fr . . "Paris"@fr . . "Beck"@fr . "811"^^ . . "juillet"@fr . "In Memoriam. \u00C0 la m\u00E9moire du Professeur L\u00E9onide Goldstein"@fr . . "273"^^ . "J.F."@fr . "251"^^ . "Goldstein et. al. 1963"@fr . "Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics"@fr . . "Quantitative EEG of \"classical\" psychoactive drugs"@fr . "Is a man, a man, a man ? . Some remarks on the homogeneity of \"normal subjects"@fr . "\u00C9ditorial"@fr . "273"^^ . "Neurophysiologie clinique"@fr . "Sugerman"@fr . "Biological Psychology"@fr . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "Electrocerebral activity in schizophrenics and non-psychotic subjects : quantitative EEG amplitude analysis"@fr . "Stuttgart"@fr . "1"^^ . . "Time domain analysis of the EEG. The integrative method"@fr . . "265"^^ . . "L'\u0153uvre du Professeur L\u00E9onide Goldstein"@fr . "Electroencephalographic Assay of Anti-Anxiety Drug"@fr . "164"^^ . . . "555"^^ . . . "January-February"@fr . . . "978"^^ . . . . "Successful and unsuccessful university students : quantitative hemispheric EEG differences"@fr . . . . . "A.A."@fr . . "10"^^ . "Pfeiffer"@fr . . . "Physiology & Behavior"@fr . "Fonction c\u00E9r\u00E9brale et comportement : analyse EEG de certaines activit\u00E9s h\u00E9misph\u00E9riques"@fr . . "Boris"@fr . . . "Stolberg"@fr . . "C.C."@fr . . "Minz"@fr . . . . "350"^^ . "142"^^ . "en"@fr . . . . "Psychoactive drug-induced changes of interhemispheric EEG amplitude relationships"@fr . . . . "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences"@fr . "Stoltzfus"@fr . . . . . "Hopkins"@fr . . . . "Agents and actions"@fr . "A mutant genoid in Drosophila sensitive to carbon dioxyde"@fr . . "Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology"@fr . . "Drohocki"@fr . . "L\u00E9onide Goldstein"@fr . "International Review of neurobiology"@fr . . "Z\u00E9non"@fr . . "H.B."@fr . "L\u00E9onide Goldstein est n\u00E9 \u00E0 Paris le 2 avril 1914 et mort \u00E0 Princeton dans le New Jersey aux \u00C9tats-Unis le 19 juin 1988. Universitaire et chercheur, d'abord g\u00E9n\u00E9ticien et pharmacologue au Coll\u00E8ge de France \u00E0 Paris, il est le pionnier en France puis aux \u00C9tats-Unis de l'\u00E9lectroenc\u00E9phalographie quantitative. Apr\u00E8s avoir enseign\u00E9 aux \u00C9tats-Unis \u00E0 Atlanta en G\u00E9orgie \u00E0 l'Universit\u00E9 Emory, il poursuit ses recherches \u00E0 Princeton au New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute (NJNPI) avant de devenir professeur de psychiatrie en 1974 \u00E0 l'Universit\u00E9 Rutgers ( Piscataway (New Jersey) ). Auteur de plus de 300 articles dont Drugs and Youth dans l'Encyclop\u00E6dia Britannica son \u0153uvre anticipe les progr\u00E8s de l'imagerie c\u00E9r\u00E9brale en \u00E9lectroenc\u00E9phalographie et de la neuropharmacologie."@fr . . "EEG and clinical assessment of subjects with drug abuse problems"@fr . "10740984"^^ . . . . . "Changes in interhemispheric amplitude relationship in the EEG during sleep"@fr . . "CEAN computerized EEG analysis : Symposium of Merck'sche Gesellschaft fur Kunstund Wissenschaft Kronberg/Taunus, April 8th-10th, 1974"@fr . . . . "74"^^ . . . "369"^^ . "mai"@fr . . "1988"^^ . "Etevenon"@fr . "124"^^ . . "26033"^^ . . . "Research communications in psychology, psychiatry and behavior"@fr . "182486657"^^ . . . . "L\u00E9onide"@fr . . "107"^^ . . . . . "L\u00E9onide Goldstein"@fr . . . "I.W."@fr . "94"^^ . "1045"^^ . "Act. Med Inter. Psychiatrie"@fr . . . . "Pergamon Press"@fr . . . "L\u00E9onide Goldstein est n\u00E9 \u00E0 Paris le 2 avril 1914 et mort \u00E0 Princeton dans le New Jersey aux \u00C9tats-Unis le 19 juin 1988. Universitaire et chercheur, d'abord g\u00E9n\u00E9ticien et pharmacologue au Coll\u00E8ge de France \u00E0 Paris, il est le pionnier en France puis aux \u00C9tats-Unis de l'\u00E9lectroenc\u00E9phalographie quantitative. Apr\u00E8s avoir enseign\u00E9 aux \u00C9tats-Unis \u00E0 Atlanta en G\u00E9orgie \u00E0 l'Universit\u00E9 Emory, il poursuit ses recherches \u00E0 Princeton au New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute (NJNPI) avant de devenir professeur de psychiatrie en 1974 \u00E0 l'Universit\u00E9 Rutgers ( Piscataway (New Jersey) ). Auteur de plus de 300 articles dont Drugs and Youth dans l'Encyclop\u00E6dia Britannica son \u0153uvre anticipe les progr\u00E8s de l'imagerie c\u00E9r\u00E9brale en \u00E9lectroenc\u00E9phalographie et de la neuropharmacologie."@fr . "1956"^^ . . "Amplitude analysis of the electroencephalogram"@fr . "Archives of General Psychiatry"@fr . . "Psychological medicine"@fr . "Mundschenk"@fr . "Etevenon 1988a"@fr . "1967"^^ . "1964"^^ . "1965"^^ . . . "1963"^^ . "S.G."@fr . "Ephrussi"@fr . "1974"^^ . "Hormonal relations in gene manifestation, with special reference to the quantitative aspects of the problem"@fr . . "1975"^^ . "1972"^^ . "8"^^ . "Psychologie m\u00E9dicale"@fr . . "Goldstein"@fr . "10.1016"^^ . "1973"^^ . . . . "Quantitative electroencephalographic analysis of the effects of aspirin in man"@fr . . "61"^^ . "7"^^ . . "1982"^^ . . "T.M. Itil"@fr . "Revue neurologique"@fr . "1981"^^ . "Nature"@fr . . . "1979"^^ . . . "Pharmacopsychiatry Neuropsychopharmacology"@fr . . "1976"^^ . "1977"^^ . . . . "446"^^ . . "8"^^ . "Psychotropic drugs and the human EEG"@fr . "Goldstein et al. 1965"@fr . "R."@fr . "Vogt"@fr . . "Karger"@fr . "Proceedings of the Xth CINP meeting"@fr . "147"^^ . "141"^^ . . . . "18"^^ . . "19"^^ . "E."@fr . "1939"^^ . "131"^^ . "octobre"@fr . "Quantitative electroencephalography in man as a measure of CNS activation"@fr . "N.W."@fr . "438"^^ . "1948"^^ . "Clin.Phar.Ther.1963"@fr . . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . "New York"@fr . . "Raymond A."@fr . "Murphree"@fr . "Dianne L."@fr . "191"^^ . . "G. Dolce & H. Kunkel"@fr . "1"^^ . . . "3"^^ . "L."@fr . . "12"^^ . . "B."@fr . . "14"^^ . "Pierre"@fr . "8"^^ . . . "10"^^ . . . "11"^^ . "Gardocki"@fr . "Temple"@fr . . "La tension moyenne de l\u2019EEG comme base d\u2019interpr\u00E9tation de l\u2019activit\u00E9 corticale"@fr . "466"^^ . "C.E."@fr . . "Jenney"@fr . "Cerebral laterality and psychopathology : fact and fiction"@fr . "Etevenon 1988b"@fr . . "170"^^ . . "Psychotropic drug-induced EEG changes as revealed by the amplitude integration method"@fr . "Research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology"@fr . "Quantitative electroencephalographic analysis of naturally occurring and drug induced psychotic states in human males"@fr . . "75"^^ . . . "M."@fr . "In memoriam. Leonide Goldstein, D.Sc.'' April 2, 1914 - June 19, 1988"@fr .