. . . "Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce , 2011 2nd International Conference"@fr . "Ji"@fr . "Mera2010"@fr . . "Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications"@fr . "Jim"@fr . . . "Polti"@fr . "Kim"@fr . "Johan"@fr . "Qin"@fr . "SoICT '12 Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Information and Communication Technology"@fr . "Machanick"@fr . "Tr\u00F6ster"@fr . "TinyTimber, Reactive Objects in C for Real-Time Embedded Systems"@fr . "112"^^ . "112"^^ . "Anthony"@fr . . "FreeRTOSContactSupportAdvertising"@fr . . "Per"@fr . "Arto"@fr . "101"^^ . "Anamaria"@fr . "Roggen"@fr . "N.G."@fr . . "Afshar"@fr . . "Poster abstract: IP-based testbed for herd monitoring"@fr . "Using the FreeRTOS real time kernel - A Practical Guide"@fr . "105"^^ . "Wei"@fr . "Syed M."@fr . "David"@fr . . . "Barry"@fr . "Mikael"@fr . . "ACM Comput. Surv. 41, 4, Article 19"@fr . "19"^^ . "Implementation of an IEEE 802.15.4-2006 protocol stack on the Texas instrument CC2430"@fr . "Attila"@fr . . "Lavinia"@fr . . . "Felix"@fr . . "Wu"@fr . "7"^^ . . "Ashjaei"@fr . "1"^^ . . "FreeRTOSWebWhatIs"@fr . "FreeRTOS"@ja . "FreeRTOS est un syst\u00E8me d'exploitation temps r\u00E9el (RTOS) faible empreinte, portable, pr\u00E9emptif et Open source pour microcontr\u00F4leur. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 port\u00E9 sur plus de 40 architectures diff\u00E9rentes. Cr\u00E9\u00E9 en 2003 par Richard Barry et la FreeRTOS Team, il est aujourd\u2019hui parmi les plus utilis\u00E9s dans le march\u00E9 des syst\u00E8mes d'exploitation temps r\u00E9el. FreeRTOS est disponible gratuitement sous une licence MIT depuis le 29 novembre 2017. Les versions pr\u00E9c\u00E9dentes \u00E9taient disponibles sous licence GPL modifi\u00E9e et utilisable sans paiement de redevances, cette licence n\u2019oblige pas les d\u00E9veloppeurs \u00E0 publier le code de leurs logiciels applicatifs mais impose de garder le noyau de FreeRTOS Open Source. Une licence commerciale avec le support ad hoc (OpenRTOS) est \u00E9galement propos\u00E9e par la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 High Integrity Systems. Le nombre de t\u00E2ches ex\u00E9cut\u00E9es simultan\u00E9ment et leur priorit\u00E9 ne sont limit\u00E9s que par le mat\u00E9riel. L'ordonnancement est un syst\u00E8me de file d'attente bas\u00E9 sur les S\u00E9maphores et les Mutex. Il est bas\u00E9 sur le mod\u00E8le Round-Robin avec gestion des priorit\u00E9s. Con\u00E7u pour \u00EAtre tr\u00E8s compact, il n'est compos\u00E9 que de quelques fichiers en langage C, et n'impl\u00E9mente aucun pilote mat\u00E9riel. Les domaines d'applications sont assez larges, car les principaux avantages de FreeRTOS sont l\u2019ex\u00E9cution temps r\u00E9el, un code source ouvert et une taille tr\u00E8s faible. Il est donc utilis\u00E9 principalement pour les syst\u00E8mes embarqu\u00E9s qui ont des contraintes d'espace pour le code, mais aussi pour des syst\u00E8mes de traitement vid\u00E9o et des applications r\u00E9seau qui ont des contraintes de temps r\u00E9el."@fr . "FreeRTOS"@fr . . . "13"^^ . "Mario"@fr . "Szczesny"@fr . "Zhang"@fr . "Framework for embedded programming course"@fr . "FreeRTOS"@uk . "Alexis"@fr . "Salminen"@fr . "54"^^ . . "Wauthy2010"@fr . "EETIMESEmbeddedMarketStudy"@fr . "Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 2010 53rd IEEE International"@fr . "51"^^ . "Bicarregui"@fr . . "en"@fr . . . . . . "Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Ubiquitous computing"@fr . "Conforth"@fr . "Proceedings of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Leadership in a Diverse, Multidisciplinary Environment"@fr . . . "CiAO/IP: a highly configurable aspect-oriented IP stack"@fr . . . "2"^^ . "Proceedings of the ACM SIGAda annual international conference on Ada and related technologies"@fr . "33"^^ . . . "Kerry"@fr . "Schoofs"@fr . "Johnson"@fr . . "Inam2011"@fr . "Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation , 2011 IEEE 16th Conference"@fr . . . . "Amy"@fr . "SafeRTOSOverview"@fr . . "Xu2008"@fr . "1084"^^ . "Nordlander"@fr . "Formal Methods: Practice and Experience"@fr . "Sun"@fr . "Daowei"@fr . "Tao"@fr . . "Richard"@fr . "Matthew"@fr . "Florin Catalin"@fr . "Eriksson"@fr . "Ting-Chou"@fr . . "Machanick2011"@fr . "Tardieu2009"@fr . . . . "Zhuan Yu; Jie Wu; Mingpu Xie; Yang Kong"@fr . "11"^^ . "On-the-fly hardware acceleration for protocol stack processing in next generation mobile devices"@fr . . . . ""@fr . . . "Braescu"@fr . "D\u00E9harbe"@fr . . "Informatics and Systems , 2010 The 7th International Conference"@fr . "Implementation of distributed high precision real-time data acquisition system"@fr . . "Aamir"@fr . . . "Communications , 2009 IEEE 9th Malaysia International Conference"@fr . "Serna Oliver"@fr . "Daniel"@fr . "Lindgren2008"@fr . "Fohler"@fr . "Ulrich"@fr . . "Simms"@fr . "Maki-Turja"@fr . "Borchert2012"@fr . "978"^^ . "Aittamaa"@fr . "Brian"@fr . "Sara"@fr . "190267451"^^ . "Svec"@fr . . "Schuster"@fr . "Thiem"@fr . "180"^^ . "Barry2005"@fr . "SernaOliver2010"@fr . "390"^^ . . "Limin"@fr . "FreeRTOS est un syst\u00E8me d'exploitation temps r\u00E9el (RTOS) faible empreinte, portable, pr\u00E9emptif et Open source pour microcontr\u00F4leur. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 port\u00E9 sur plus de 40 architectures diff\u00E9rentes. Cr\u00E9\u00E9 en 2003 par Richard Barry et la FreeRTOS Team, il est aujourd\u2019hui parmi les plus utilis\u00E9s dans le march\u00E9 des syst\u00E8mes d'exploitation temps r\u00E9el."@fr . . "Christopher"@fr . "Braescu2011"@fr . "Industrial and Information Systems , 2010 2nd International Conference"@fr . . . "Martins Moreira"@fr . . . . "System Theory, Control, and Computing , 2011 15th International Conference"@fr . . . . "Philip"@fr . "435"^^ . "63473"^^ . . "Monitoring CAN Performances in Distributed Embedded Systems"@fr . . "NISAT: a zero-side-effect testbed for wireless sensor networks"@fr . "446"^^ . . "FreeRTOS Logo.jpg"@fr . "FreeRTOS"@de . "Jean-Fran\u00E7ois"@fr . "Aboelaze"@fr . "10.1145"^^ . . "Sebastian"@fr . "FreeRTOSLicenseDetails"@fr . "Glistvain"@fr . "D.E."@fr . "FreeRTOS"@en . "J\u00E3ntti"@fr . . . . . "Santiago"@fr . "Laurent"@fr . "Mingpu"@fr . "Dieu-Huong"@fr . "1061"^^ . . . "John"@fr . "Juha-Matti"@fr . "Pai H"@fr . "Xu"@fr . "Chen"@fr . . "Ferariu"@fr . . "Yan"@fr . "A Watt-hour Meter Reading Device for Electric Energy Allowance"@fr . "Design of remote data monitoring and recording system Based on ARM"@fr . "D\u00E9harbe2009"@fr . "Tardieu"@fr . . "Time Synchronization Accuracy in Real-time Wireless Sensor Networks"@fr . "3"^^ . . "Qu2010"@fr . "Low Power Software Techniques for Embedded Systems Running Real Time Operating Systems"@fr . . "FreeRTOS"@nl . "Mokhtar"@fr . . "Glistvain2010"@fr . "Real Time Conference, 2009. RT '09. 16th IEEE-NPSS"@fr . "Greg"@fr . "Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks"@fr . "Enix: a lightweight dynamic operating system for tightly constrained wireless sensor platforms"@fr . "Wauthy"@fr . . . "Borchert"@fr . "FreeRTOS"@vi . "SafeRTOSCertif"@fr . . "365"^^ . "Xinyun"@fr . . . "Ferreira2012"@fr . "Lachenmann"@fr . . . . . . "Organizing and evaluating course on embedded programming"@fr . "Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008. IROS 2008. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on"@fr . . . "Qu"@fr . . "3725"^^ . . "Guanhua"@fr . . . "Woodcock"@fr . "Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing"@fr . "Ivan"@fr . "Bruns"@fr . "SafeTexasInstrument"@fr . . "Lohmann"@fr . "Formalizing FreeRTOS: First Steps"@fr . "OpenRTOSHomePage"@fr . "An Operating System Abstraction Layer for Portable Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks"@fr . "Jinsik"@fr . "Dapeng"@fr . . "Stephenson"@fr . "Vu2012"@fr . . . "Faithfully formalizing OSEK/VDX operating system specification"@fr . . . . "Mahmood"@fr . "Roman"@fr . "306"^^ . . "Meng"@fr . "Fan"@fr . "313"^^ . "Kim2010"@fr . "Melot"@fr . "Juan"@fr . . "1870116"^^ . "En d\u00E9veloppement"@fr . . . . "Gefflaut"@fr . "Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks"@fr . "ARM , Atmel AVR, AVR32 , HCS12 , MicroBlaze, MSP430, Microcontr\u00F4leur PIC, Renesas H8/S, SuperH, RX, x86, 8052, Motorola ColdFire, V850 , 78K0R, Fujitsu MB91460 series, Fujitsu MB96340 series, Nios II"@fr . "Ji2011"@fr . "FreeRTOS - A FREE RTOS for small real time embedded systems"@fr . "Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2008. DATE '08"@fr . "Szczesny2009"@fr . . . . . . "It's in your eyes: towards context-awareness and mobile HCI using wearable EOG goggles"@fr . "Automated Verification of the FreeRTOS Scheduler in HIP/SLEEK"@fr . . . . "Jo\u00E3o F."@fr . "safeStellaris"@fr . "Amazon, Richard Barry et FreeRTOS Team"@fr . "Vu"@fr . "TinyTimber, reactive objects in C for real-time embedded systems"@fr . "Inam"@fr . . . "Rafia"@fr . . . "The Architecture of Open Source Applications"@fr . "Kamran"@fr . "Barry2009"@fr . . "Shengchao"@fr . "Shcherbakov"@fr . . . "Hessel"@fr . "Energy-Efficient Progressive Remote Update for Flash-Based Firmware of Networked Embedded Systems"@fr . . "742"^^ . "Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe"@fr . "3695"^^ . . . "Huangfu2009"@fr . "Yu2009"@fr . "MingPu"@fr . "Samuel"@fr . "Bilgic"@fr . "YanMeng2008"@fr . . "Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems"@fr . "Chou"@fr . "9781105571817"^^ . . "Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems"@fr . "Simon"@fr . . . . . "601817"^^ . . "Kong"@fr . "Nicolas"@fr . . "1382"^^ . "Mahmood2009"@fr . . "Lindgren"@fr . "Complementing Ada with other programming languages"@fr . "FreeRTOSWebAbout"@fr . . "Olaf"@fr . . "FreeRTOS"@it . "J\u00E4rvinen"@fr . . "Bo"@fr . . "Study of an operating system: FreeRTOS"@fr . "652"^^ . "10.1109"^^ . . . . . "Unpublished doctoral thesis, Technical University of Eindhoven"@fr . . "Pai H."@fr . . "Ferreira"@fr . "Support for Hierarchical Scheduling in FreeRTOS"@fr . . . "FreeRTOS"@fr . . "Larsen"@fr . "Romantiki OS \u2013 A single stack Multitasking Operating System for Resource Limited Embedded Devices"@fr . "Sjodin"@fr . "Brown"@fr . "Vanhatupa"@fr . "Ramon"@fr . "252"^^ . "Design principles for contactile computing"@fr . "FreeRTOS"@ru . "Mueller"@fr . "Bulling2008"@fr . . . "Riku"@fr . "Yang"@fr . "Jukka"@fr . "FreeRTOS"@zh . "10.1007"^^ . "Fitzgerald"@fr . "Schoofs2009"@fr . "Chunmeng"@fr . . "A Generic Architecture of Modular Embedded System for Miniature Mobile Robots"@fr . . "SafeRTOSHomePage"@fr . "Woodcock2009"@fr . "Xie"@fr . . "Structure, Scale, and a Few More Fearless Hacks"@fr . "Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services"@fr . "Hannu-Matti"@fr . "Proceedings of the 11th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research"@fr . "Galv\u00E3o"@fr . "Logiciel libre pour syst\u00E8me embarqu\u00E9"@fr . . . . "Andrei"@fr . "Wang"@fr . "S. M. H."@fr . "Vanhatupa2010"@fr . . . . "Operating systems for embedded devices"@fr . "155"^^ . "Schumacher"@fr . "Zhuan"@fr . "Performance benchmarking of FreeRTOS and its Hardware Abstraction"@fr . "2012"^^ . "Wilson"@fr . "2010"^^ . "2011"^^ . "Christoph"@fr . "2008"^^ . "Yu"@fr . "2009"^^ . . "Bulling"@fr . "Robert"@fr . . "2005"^^ . . "Proceedings of the 10th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research"@fr . "MIT, pr\u00E9cedemment GNU GPL modifi\u00E9e"@fr . "Melot2009+"@fr . "183"^^ . "Franciuc"@fr . "Mera"@fr . "He"@fr . . "Sugar"@fr . . . . "Daymand"@fr . . "Peter Gorm"@fr . . . . . "Jie"@fr . . "Chien"@fr . "Alain"@fr . "Gerhard"@fr . "Aoki"@fr . . "163"^^ . "Zhou"@fr . "Spinczyk"@fr . "Charles"@fr . "Andreas"@fr . "Amy2012"@fr . . "Lasse"@fr . "Huangfu"@fr . . . . "Yu-Ting"@fr . . "84"^^ . "Xiaohan"@fr . "ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems"@fr . "Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis"@fr . "Toshiaki"@fr . . "Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering , 2012 Sixth International Symposium"@fr . "Salminen2011"@fr . "Chen2010"@fr . .