. . "A. P. Rao"@fr . . "publications de l'Institut de l'Observatoire de Stockholm"@fr . . "oui"@fr . "Astronomy and Astrophysics"@fr . . . . "Shuang Nan Zhang"@fr . "en"@fr . ""@fr . "2019-04-14"^^ . . . ""@fr . . . . . "WN 4-6"@fr . "2016-11-25"^^ . . . . "2018-11-18"^^ . "Cygnus X-3"@de . . . "avril"@fr . "2012-12-06"^^ . . . "oui"@fr . . . . . "2016-11-22"^^ . "Algonquin Radio Observatory"@fr . . . "Lawrence H. Aller"@fr . . "Volker Sch\u00F6nfelder"@fr . . "juin"@fr . . . "544"^^ . "Simon Mitton"@fr . . . "Radio outburst from Cygnus X-3"@fr . . . "Cygnus X-3"@fr . "Solar and Stellar Astrophysics"@fr . . "Gemini/GNIRS infrared spectroscopy of the Wolf-Rayet stellar wind in Cygnus X\u20133"@fr . "P. Gorenstein"@fr . . "13.192"^^ . "Cygnus X-3"@fr . . "Entre ~2.45 et ~6.76"@fr . "7.4"^^ . . "+40/57/27.9"@fr . . "T. Maccarone"@fr . . "2019-04-12"^^ . "1974-12-31"^^ . . "Determining the Distance of Cyg X-3 with its X-ray Dust Scattering Halo"@fr . . "L. Gratton"@fr . "V1521 Cyg"@fr . . "2001-08-10"^^ . "Cosmic Rays from Cygnus X-3"@fr . "V. Y. Sinitsyna"@fr . . . . "2018-09-13"^^ . . . . . ""@fr . "LOS ALAMOS SCIENCE"@fr . . "60"^^ . . "Cygnus X-3, ou Cyg X-3 et V1521 Cyg, est une binaire X \u00E0 forte masse localis\u00E9e dans la constellation du Cygne. L'\u00E9toile de cette binaire est d\u00E9couverte en 1967 apr\u00E8s un scanner d'une source de rayons X fait en 1966. Son spectre est identifi\u00E9 par ballon stratosph\u00E9rique en 1968. La p\u00E9riode de Cygnus X-3, d'une dur\u00E9e d'environ 4,8 heures, est d\u00E9termin\u00E9e en 1972 gr\u00E2ce au donn\u00E9es recueillies par le t\u00E9lescope spatial Copernicus. La semi-amplitude de Cyg X-3 est de 379+124 \u2212149 km/s."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1972-10-26"^^ . . . "2001-02-26"^^ . "Bonnet-Bidaud, Jean-Marc"@fr . . . "Galactic Radio Astronomy"@fr . "11.920999999999999"^^ . . "The Universe in Gamma Rays"@fr . "P. Luque-Escamilla"@fr . . . "Zhixing Ling"@fr . "Journal of Physics: Conference Series"@fr . . "~4.8"@fr . . "High-Energy Astronomy"@fr . . . . . . "Joanna Miko\u0142ajewska"@fr . . . . . . "Springer Science & Business Media"@fr . . . . . "119"^^ . . . . . . "WR 145a"@fr . . . . . "2016-10-06"^^ . "M. M. Dunham"@fr . "1986"^^ . "667"^^ . "1985"^^ . "12"^^ . "Cygnus X-3 revisited: 10 years of muon and radio observations"@fr . "M. Giroletti"@fr . . "1999"^^ . "60.0"^^ . . . . "Cygnus X-3"@pl . . "Krzysztof Belczynski"@fr . . "A. Pellizzoni1"@fr . . "2000"^^ . "The Bright \u03B3-ray Sky - Frascati 29 September - 1 October 2009"@fr . "Properties of Individual X-Ray sources"@fr . "2012"^^ . "13.192"^^ . "2010"^^ . "1991-08-30"^^ . "Observatoire radio du parc d'Algonquin"@fr . "2008"^^ . . . . "2018"^^ . "2016"^^ . . "Diagnostics, Demography and Formation"@fr . . . "Diana Carina Hannikainen"@fr . . "Observations of Cygnus X-3 in Quiescence in the 2.4 - 12 micron Range with ISO"@fr . . "The giant radio flare of Cygnus X-3 in September 2016"@fr . . "Linnea Hjalmarsdotter"@fr . "septembre"@fr . "novembre"@fr . . "10.1088"^^ . . "Karri I. I. Koljonen"@fr . "-4.5"^^ . "Trevor C. Weekes"@fr . . "G. G. Pooley"@fr . . . "M. Pandey"@fr . "Waiting for Cynus X-3"@fr . . . "D. P\u00E9rez-Ram\u00EDrez"@fr . . "Atoms, Stars, and Nebulae"@fr . . "Cygnus X-3 and the Case for Simultaneous Multifrequency Observations"@fr . . . "Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Held at Garching, Germany, 6-8 September 1999, in Honour of Riccardo Giacconi"@fr . . . "Cambridge University Press"@fr . "P. Kevin MacKeown"@fr . "Josep M. Paredes, Olaf ReimerDiego et F. Torres"@fr . "15.308999999999999"^^ . . . . "pdf"@fr . . . . "Ultra-high-energy gamma ray"@fr . . "G. Dubus"@fr . "1967"^^ . . . . "20"^^ . "J. Mart\u00ED"@fr . . "1967"^^ . "High Energy Physics - Experiment"@fr . . . . . "53620"^^ . "Abraham, Peter"@fr . "Cygne"@fr . "5"^^ . . "E. Egron1"@fr . "David Leverington"@fr . . . . "253"^^ . . . . . . . . "ultra-haute \u00E9nergie"@fr . . . . . "Cyg X-3: a low-mass black hole or a neutron star"@fr . . "observatoire radio"@fr . . . . "High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena"@fr . . . "Long-term studies of the Cygnus Region and its objects: Cyg X-3 and \u03B3Cygni SNR"@fr . . "148"^^ . . "Non-Solar X- and Gamma-Ray Astronomy"@fr . "Cygnus X-3"@fr . "~24000"@fr . "Riccardo Giacconi, L. Kaper et E.P.J. van den Heuvel"@fr . . . . . . . . "New Cosmic Horizons"@fr . . . "188952343"^^ . "M. L. McCollough"@fr . "G. V. Sinitsyna"@fr . . "B. Cerutti"@fr . . . "J. R. Waters"@fr . . "Cyg X-3's Little Friend: A Stellar Circle of Life"@fr . . "dying swann or vigoreous phoenix?"@fr . . "Vue d'ensemble de Cygnus X-3 : l'\u00E9toile de type"@fr . . . "P.G. Tsybulev"@fr . "AS&E"@fr . . "H. Gursky"@fr . "Space Astronomy from the V2 to the Hubble Space Telescope"@fr . "718"^^ . "Koch Miramond, Lydie"@fr . . . . . "The Multi-Messenger Approach to High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources"@fr . . . "mai"@fr . . "Cygnus X-3"@fr . "Cygnus X-3"@ca . . . . . . . "Its Little Friend\u2019s Counterpart, the Distance to Cygnus X-3, and Outflows/Jets"@fr . . . "The hypersoft state of Cygnus X\u20133 : A key to jet quenching in X-ray binaries?"@fr . "INTEGRAL1 118"@fr . "378"^^ . . . "Note"@fr . "F.J. Kerr, S.C. Simonson III"@fr . . . "Single-dish and VLBI observations of Cygnus X-3 during the 2016 giant flare episode"@fr . . . "G.V. Zhekanis"@fr . "366"^^ . "Cygnus X-3 ou le cycle des \u00E9toiles sur une seule image"@fr . . . . "The search for hot spots associated with the Cygnus X-3 relativistic jet"@fr . . "A. Woodworth"@fr . "Michael McCollough"@fr . . "Trou noir stellaire \u00E0 faible masse ou \u00E9toile \u00E0 neutrons"@fr . . . "Andrzej A. Zdziarski"@fr . . "--04-11"^^ . "35"^^ . "T. J. Maccarone"@fr . "2019-04-17"^^ . . "2007-07-17"^^ . . "G. Henri"@fr . "The relativistic jet of Cygnus X-3 in gamma rays"@fr . . "The X-ray behaviour of Cygnus X-3"@fr . "M. R Viner"@fr . "2000-02-25"^^ . "2005-10-04"^^ . . . "2019-04-10"^^ . . . "Category:Cygnus X-3"@fr . ","@fr . "Scientific American"@fr . "2019-05-11"^^ . "2019-04-11"^^ . . . . "4"^^ . . "France Anne-Dominic Cordova"@fr . "436"^^ . . "RX J2032.3+4057"@fr . "An X-Ray Survey of the Cygnus Region"@fr . "~7000"@fr . "V. A Hugues"@fr . "The X-Ray/Radio/Flaring Properties of Cygnus X-3"@fr . "2017-07-12"^^ . "K. I. I. Koljonen"@fr . . . . . "7"^^ . . . . . . "12491457"^^ . . . . "N.A. Nizhelskij"@fr . "409"^^ . "Shichao Tang"@fr . . "A Period of Rapid Growth"@fr . "Laurence E. Peterson"@fr . . . . "612"^^ . "Astrophysical Journal Letters"@fr . "8"^^ . . "Cygnus X-3"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "S.A. Trushkin"@fr . "507"^^ . "Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei"@fr . . "2009-04-09"^^ . . "2010-01-15"^^ . "Low frequency radio monitoring of Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3"@fr . "et l'objet compact entour\u00E9 d'un disque d'accr\u00E9tion ."@fr . . "Lee Mohon"@fr . "L. Corrales"@fr . "Cygnus X-3"@nl . "American Science and Engineering"@fr . . "Cygnus X-3, ou Cyg X-3 et V1521 Cyg, est une binaire X \u00E0 forte masse localis\u00E9e dans la constellation du Cygne. L'\u00E9toile de cette binaire est d\u00E9couverte en 1967 apr\u00E8s un scanner d'une source de rayons X fait en 1966. Son spectre est identifi\u00E9 par ballon stratosph\u00E9rique en 1968. La p\u00E9riode de Cygnus X-3, d'une dur\u00E9e d'environ 4,8 heures, est d\u00E9termin\u00E9e en 1972 gr\u00E2ce au donn\u00E9es recueillies par le t\u00E9lescope spatial Copernicus. La semi-amplitude de Cyg X-3 est de 379+124 \u2212149 km/s. L'\u00E9toile binaire Cygnus X-3 est un microquasar. Le syt\u00E8me Cyg X-3 comporte un objet compact qui peut \u00EAtre un trou noir \u00E0 faible masse ou une \u00E9toile \u00E0 neutrons. L'\u00E9toile de Cyg X-3 peut-\u00EAtre, quant \u00E0 elle, class\u00E9e dans le groupe des \u00E9toiles Wolf-Rayet de type WN 4-6. Seuls les infrarouges, les ondes radio, les rayons X et gamma de l'objet astrophysique sont observables."@fr .