"1955"^^ . . "1964"^^ . . "Uniting Church Press"@fr . "Dedication of the Sweet Briar Memorial Chapel, April 20-23, 1967."@fr . "1966"^^ . "1967"^^ . . "1960"^^ . "Natural law and natural rights."@fr . "Evangelism in the Wesleyan spirit\u00A0"@fr . . . "[Texas Christian University]"@fr . "41"^^ . "Pittsburgh"@fr . "Parrott"@fr . . . "Albert C."@fr . "Christian Century"@fr . . . . . "189212129"^^ . . "History as an ecumenical resource : the Protestant discovery of tradition, 1952-1963"@fr . . "Southern Methodist University Press"@fr . "138"^^ . . . "Perkins School of Theology journal."@fr . . . "[Dallas, TX]"@fr . "John"@fr . "[New Haven, CT]"@fr . "Christology"@fr . . . "Indianapolis, IN"@fr . . "Symposium: contemporary theological concern."@fr . "Kiwiet"@fr . . "[Washington]"@fr . "Dennis C."@fr . . . "Abingdon-Cokesbury Press"@fr . "3"^^ . . "7"^^ . . . . "Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago"@fr . "John Wesley\u00A0"@fr . . . "A Christian context for counseling\u00A0"@fr . "The history and mission of the church; an elective unit for young people, for use in church schools, institutes, assemblies, summer camps, and special study groups"@fr . "That the world may believe : guide for leaders of the Methodist mission study on Christian unity\u00A0"@fr . "Theology in the Wesleyan spirit\u00A0"@fr . "Thomas C."@fr . "Anderson, IN"@fr . "Christian spirituality : post-reformation and modern / edited by Louis Dupr\u00E9 and Don E. Saliers ; in collaborations with John Meyendorff"@fr . . "The Woodlands, TX"@fr . . "[Fort Worth, TX]"@fr . "Longden"@fr . "Arthur Leon"@fr . . "David L"@fr . . "Trinity University Press"@fr . "Joint Commission on Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of the Methodist Church"@fr . "The pastoral psychology of Albert C. Outler"@fr . . "12747558"^^ . "Chicago, Ill."@fr . "[publisher not identified]"@fr . . "Leroy T."@fr . . "New Haven, CT"@fr . "Sweet Briar College"@fr . "Evangelism"@fr . "Called to unity : Methodism and church union\u00A0"@fr . . . "Harper & Bros."@fr . . . . "The Bicentennial and the re-invention of America"@fr . "The \"Platonism\" of Clement of Alexandria\u00A0"@fr . "14234"^^ . . . "Pietism and Enlightenment : alternatives to tradition"@fr . "Outler"@fr . . "Cincinnati"@fr . . "Reinventing America\u00A0"@fr . "Albert Cook Outler (17 novembre 1908 - 1er septembre 1989) est un th\u00E9ologien et philosophe m\u00E9thodiste am\u00E9ricain du XXe si\u00E8cle. Outler est g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme l'un des plus importants sp\u00E9cialistes de Wesley, ainsi que le premier v\u00E9ritable th\u00E9ologien de l'\u00C9glise m\u00E9thodiste unie. Il est \u00E9galement une figure cl\u00E9 du mouvement \u0153cum\u00E9nique du XXe si\u00E8cle."@fr . "Ordeal of a Happy Dilettante"@fr . . . "Dallas"@fr . "The Albert Outler library\u00A0"@fr . . "Ecumenical theologian : essays by Albert Cook Outler"@fr . . . "The development of catholic Christianity : methodological papers\u00A0"@fr . . "Colleges, faculties and religion; an appraisal of the program of faculty consultations on religion in higher education, 1945-48.\u00A0"@fr . . "218"^^ . "Nashville, TN"@fr . "en"@fr . "Nashville"@fr . "1908-11-17"^^ . "Chicago"@fr . "COCU : test case for ecumenism in America : lecture III, Crisis coming up"@fr . . . . "[Washington, D.C.]"@fr . . "Hazen Foundation"@fr . . "Howe"@fr . . . "The preacher"@fr . "Bob W."@fr . "The rule of grace\u00A0"@fr . . . . "Tidings"@fr . . . "C. A."@fr . "Joseph B."@fr . . "Greater Dallas Council of Churches"@fr . "John Wesley's sermons : an introduction\u00A0"@fr . "Martin E."@fr . . . . . "Outler on the Holy Spirit : the pneumatology of Albert Cook Oulter"@fr . "[Catholic University of America Press]"@fr . "Westminster [Md.]"@fr . . "Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities"@fr . "Psychotherapy and the Christian Message\u00A0"@fr . "The Wesleyan theological heritage\u00A0"@fr . "Albert Cook Outler papers : A Guide to the Collection"@fr . . "New York"@fr . . "[Abilene, TX]"@fr . "[Fort Worth?]"@fr . . "363"^^ . . "Reconciliation : the function of the church\u00A0"@fr . "Tyson"@fr . . "Bristol House"@fr . "oui"@fr . . "Good News"@fr . "The university professor"@fr . "Everett"@fr . "Melbourne"@fr . . . . "Deschner"@fr . . "Origen"@fr . "TARO"@fr . "Pneumatology as an Ecumenical Frontier\u00A0"@fr . "1989"^^ . "Leicester R."@fr . "1991"^^ . . "1984"^^ . "Canon ."@fr . . "Zondervan Publishing House"@fr . . . "1997"^^ . . "1999"^^ . "Pittsburgh, PA"@fr . "Ecumenism in a postliberal age\u00A0"@fr . . . . . "A Fund for \u2018Evangelical\u2019 Scholars\u00A0"@fr . "Walther"@fr . "1995"^^ . "Albert C. Outler"@fr . "The pastoral psychology of Albert C. Outler\u00A0"@fr . . "[Hazen Foundation]"@fr . "Albert C Outler: United Methodist Ecumenist"@fr . "\"The three chapters\" : a comment on the survival of antiochene Christology"@fr . "Albert Outler"@en . . . "James Arthur"@fr . . . . . "Abingdon Press"@fr . "William O"@fr . "Harding"@fr . . . "Our common history as Christians : essays in honour of Albert C. Outler"@fr . . . . "101"^^ . "Sweet Briar, Va."@fr . . . "Newman Press"@fr . "1940"^^ . "Albert Outler remembered"@fr . . "Who trusts in God; musings on the meaning of providence [by] Albert C. Outler.\u00A0"@fr . "1948"^^ . "[publisher not identified] : Prof. Wm. David Kirkpatrick [distributor]"@fr . . "s.d."@fr . "Methodist observer at Vatican II\u00A0"@fr . "Benson"@fr . "1944"^^ . "Vatican II : charter for change\u00A0"@fr . "The Ecumenical Review,"@fr . "1945"^^ . "Oxford University Press"@fr . "Albert C. Outler : the gifted dilettante\u00A0"@fr . "The Relationships among the gospels : an interdisciplinary dialogue\u00A0"@fr . "Historian & interpreter of the Christian tradition"@fr . "1"^^ . "Quid est veritas?"@fr . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "Service Center, Board of Missions The Methodist Church"@fr . . "7"^^ . "The churchman"@fr . . "8"^^ . . "9"^^ . . "San Antonio"@fr . "1973"^^ . "Bal\u00E1s"@fr . . "1975"^^ . "1968"^^ . "Albert Cook Outler (17 novembre 1908 - 1er septembre 1989) est un th\u00E9ologien et philosophe m\u00E9thodiste am\u00E9ricain du XXe si\u00E8cle. Outler est g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme l'un des plus importants sp\u00E9cialistes de Wesley, ainsi que le premier v\u00E9ritable th\u00E9ologien de l'\u00C9glise m\u00E9thodiste unie. Il est \u00E9galement une figure cl\u00E9 du mouvement \u0153cum\u00E9nique du XXe si\u00E8cle."@fr . "1969"^^ . "Ferguson"@fr . "1970"^^ . "Council on Christian Unity"@fr . "1971"^^ . "1980"^^ . "20"^^ . . "1982"^^ . "The Christian tradition and the unity we seek : given as Richard lectures at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia."@fr . "1976"^^ . "1977"^^ . "1978"^^ . "Bowen"@fr . "1957"^^ . "John J."@fr . "Oden"@fr . "1959"^^ . "Marty"@fr . . "Thesis"@fr . "Grand Rapids, MI"@fr . "Walker"@fr . "1954"^^ .