| - The end of the great bridge, The end of the little bridge, Black Donald’s march, The Cameron’s gathering, Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel salute, You’re welcome Ewen, The young Laird of Dungallon’s salute, Donald Cameron, The march of the Cameron men, Lochiel away to France, Lochiel’s welcome to Glasgow, Lochaber no more (fr)
| - Chambers, Chalmers, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Cleary, Clerk, Dowie, Gibbon, Grimesey, Kennedy, Krywonis, Leary, Lokcick, Lonbie, Lonie, MacAldowie, MacAlonie, MacChlerich, MacChlery, MacClair, MacClerie, MacElhaney, MacGillery, MacGillonie, MacIldowie, MacKail, MacKell, MacLear, MacLeary, MacLerie, MacMartin, MacOnie, MacOstrich, MacOurlic, MacPhail, MacSorley, MacUlric, MacUlrig, MacVail, MacWalrick, Martin, Paul, Sorley, Sorlie, Taylor. (fr)